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The Settlement Agreement. Make aВ repost
Lim Word

Always living time in biographies of famous personalities. What do you want to ask them, what to explain? Why are there so many poor people in the richest Russia? What do we all lack to build Paradise on Earth? The correct answer is found

The Settlement Agreement

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Lim Word

© Lim Word, 2018

ISBNВ 978-5-4490-7054-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The most powerful bureaucratic superpower ofВ our time is, ofВ course, our Russian Federation. Do you want this toВ always remainВ so?

Can we free ourselves from the web ofВ constantly hanging byВ the side, binding the movement ofВ nameless laws?

Let’s review the story through the biographies of significant figures of time; from the leader of the USSR Georgy Malenkov, who came to replace Stalin until our days of life.

Let us answer: why is the largest country inВ the world so poor and contradictory. What can be done toВ change the state ofВ things, toВ make our country aВ true Paradise under heaven?

VIP-persons ofВ the USSR from Malenkov toВ Gorbachev

Georgy Malenkov, Nikita Khrushchev

Georgy Malenkov

George Malenkov. Birth – 1901 g, Orenburg, the Russian Empire, … service as a political worker in the young Red Army, rapid career rise; so that, according to some sources, at this Time of Opportunity, Georgy Maximilianovich, 23, almost becomes Lenin’s successor.

Then three years of study at the Moscow Higher Technical School (now named after Bauman) at the Electrical Engineering Faculty, leaving the School, working (no less, for yesterday’s student), technical secretary of the Politburo of the RCP Central Committee, developing and maintaining a personal dossier system. In this post, the semi-engineer, on the instructions of Stalin and personally, Kaganovich, is forced to deal with the “purges” of the Moscow party apparatus – and fulfills the plans set for him according to the number of people killed and buried. In some way, Malenkov manages to stay somewhat aloof from the main person in the country’s Security Authorities, Nikolai Yezhov. That’s why he first – experiencing it, and then read out the report “On the bends.”

InВ 1948, inВ particular, Georgy Malenkov participated inВ the defeat ofВ the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC). Recall that the EAC was formed inВ 1942В inВ Moscow, directed byВ S. Mikhoels, he collects for the belligerent USSR 16В million dollars inВ America (plus medical equipment), 35В million worldwide, but then with increasing popularity and international relations begins toВ interfere ToВ Stalin.

A year later, on instructions from above, Georgy fabricated the case against the leaders of the Leningrad Regional Committee. Reason – the organization in January 1948 of the All-Russian wholesale fair, in the Northern Capital, without agreement with party workers in Moscow. Any amateur performance under Stalin (with the possible exception of the last two years of the Patriotic War) is punished very, very cruelly. According to the conclusions of the morbidly split mind of Dzhugashvili (and even of the most insane Soviet society), this completely innocent and even very useful undertaking now looks like an attempt to organize a separate (related but, in fact, opposition to the All-Union) Russian Communist Party (RCP).

InВ addition toВ all the victims ofВ the regime, about two hundred people are killed.

Malenkov is personally present during interrogations, sometimes even tortures ofВ suspects, but it seems that he himself does not enjoy it. Perhaps that is why, inВ March 1953, the Chairman ofВ the Council ofВ Ministers read out aВ report on the exposure ofВ the personality cult; and proposes further toВ direct the country exclusively collegially. However, this performance ofВ aВ special impression on anyone except Khrushchev, judging byВ the transcript ofВ the meeting, does not produce.

In fact, the call of Malenkov – the second or third, since the last (actual) electoral Zemsky Sobor (1613) or the Duma of the Fourth Convocation (1912) attempt to introduce the principle of a regulated (civil society) succession of power.

While Nikita Sergeyevich rallies around the young cadres ofВ the party apparatus (not forgetting toВ help them financially), Malenkov, perhaps remembering his own past sins, is more engaged inВ charity. The food tax for the villagers is cut inВ half. Past arrears are forgiven. The plan for the five-year plan is corrected inВ the direction ofВ aВ sharp increase inВ the output ofВ consumer goods. The issuance ofВ passports toВ collective farmers begins.

“Comrade Malenkov came, he gave bread and blink.”

Georgiy Maximilianovich “reigns” for four months rightfully, until September 1953, remains chairman of the Council of Ministers for another two years, then he is criticized, he drops to the minister of power stations (although he remains an important post in the Presidium). For lack of a better company, he contacts Molotov, Kaganovich (“Shepilov, who joined them with the Minister of Foreign Affairs”); and so, in spite of himself, is not very democratic, he is trying to remove Khrushchev’s First Secretary from the affairs. However, Molotov and Kaganovich – people who have far surpassed Malenkov in drawing up the “execution lists” (including the higher officers of the Red Army) are not acceptable to everyone in the Central Committee. Through a member of the Politburo E. Furtseva (according to rumors) what is happening becomes known to all interested parties. Marshal G. Zhukov, himself almost repressed by Stalin in the postwar period, in full accord with Khrushchev, on military aircraft, brings from all parts of the country high-ranking party workers. The quorum formed at the Plenum of the Central Committee with some considerable power support of the Marshal of Victory, displaces Malenkov from a high post.

Some reasonable collegiality, a tandem of almost equal: Malenkov-Khrushchev, crumbling. Remaining as the sole ruler, who no longer wants to hear anyone’s objections, Nikita Sergeyevich himself becomes a mini-Stalin, and is completely peddling. By 1958, wishing to “erase” the mentality of the village from people, he liquidated his personal land plots (there was one tithe) on collective farms. There are several more blows to the psychology of the toiler-on-the-ground, including persecution of the church: they are tolerated and hushed up by the Soviet media down to the bias of the secretary general.

The former minister is the main link ofВ the USSR-China relationship. Other relations, except as the only direct line ofВ Mao-Malenkov, have not been developed for these two greatest totalitarian powers. InВ this system everything is built on friendship, inner feelings and unpredictable vagaries ofВ aВ very narrow circle ofВ people. Therefore, with the departure ofВ Malenkov, the friendship ofВ the Soviet Union and the Celestial Empire practically ends (1957).

…Now Georgiy Maximilianovich is the director of the hydropower plant on the Irtysh River in Kazakhstan. He is an exemplary businessman, but in conversations with his staff, he often allows himself criticism of Nikita Khrushchev. Therefore, in 1961 he was expelled from the Communist Party, and then sent to retirement.

Malenkov lives in Moscow, as the most ordinary person, does not appear in the Kremlin, he is bought in a special distributor for party workers, he goes by train to his favorite dacha in Kratovo. He turns to the Orthodox faith, sings in the choir (a place near the altar) in the church. He leaves the life of the earth in the already deeply perestroika in 1988. George – the last of the leaders of the USSR, who were in the nearest circle of I. Stalin.

Private life. Wife – Valery Alexeevna, rector of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, four children.

Nikita Khrushchev

Nikita Khrushchev. Birth – 894, with. Kalinovka Kursk province (region) … work as a shepherd, a pupil of a locksmith in a coal mine, … election as a workers’ deputy to the Soviets. In 1918 Khrushchev headed the detachment of the Red Guard, then became a political worker. After studying at the working faculty of Donetsk, at the insistence of his protector, Lazar Kaganovich, Nikita Sergeyevich entered the Industrial Academy of Moscow. Politics attracts the future of the First Secretary more than knowledge, and in 1934 Khrushchev succeeds his patron as head of the Moscow party organization.

InВ 1938, Nikita Sergeyevich became the first secretary ofВ the Central Committee ofВ Ukraine, he restored the party apparatus destroyed byВ the Stalinist cleansing (although he can not resurrect people, ofВ course), more or less copes with the tasks ofВ an economic nature. The question ofВ transformations on the Western Ukraine, partially Belarussian territories (1939), seized from Poland (captured inВ 1920, largely polonized), is also decided strictly inВ the spirit ofВ the times. About 120В thousand, seeming not quite loyal residents ofВ the annexed lands, are evicted toВ Siberia, Kazakhstan, etc.; some people perish. Other ways toВ pacify the wavering citizens (raising the standard ofВ living, frank dialogue), the system simply does not see. OfВ course, during the Great Patriotic War this decision ofВ the Secretary (besides many other factors) contributes toВ the formation ofВ the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (banned inВ Russia).

In 1941—42 years. member of the military council of the Southwestern Front, Khrushchev, unthinkingly obeying Stalin’s instructions, becomes one of the perpetrators of the encirclement of Soviet troops near Kiev, and in the Barvenkovskaya Zapadne, during the unsuccessful offensive of the Red Army near Kharkov. However, in the Battle of Stalingrad, at the forefront, he manages to patch up his reputation somehow.

After the war, Khrushchev returned toВ his previous position.

In 1946, partly because of the drought, in Ukraine (and the USSR as a whole) yields are somewhat reduced. However, at the beginning of April 1946 the Soviet Union assumed the obligation to supply grain to France, other countries that became the USSR’s satellites (or potentially conceivable in this role), up to solar Albania. Drought, devastation, the death of citizens of the Country of Soviets, etc., should not somehow influence Stalin’s plans for a wise plan. The grain is scraped clean. But, nevertheless, this System is not so cruel as it is deaf and blind. In total, over the next 18 months, the state (and, above all, considered “unreliable” Western Ukraine) is losing 800,000 people.

Khrushchev himself, the Secretary of the Central Committee of Ukraine, shows the former inhuman initiatives, with its submission, the Supreme Council adopts a decree “On eviction to remote areas of persons maliciously evading employment in agriculture …". About fifty thousand “well-off” collective farmers, and members of their families, formally, by decision of collective farms, are evicted to remote areas of the country.

All free and, although some hidden from the eyes of the authorities, plots of land are used by residents of large cities, as well as by villagers, for planting nurse of the Soviet land – potatoes.

In 1953, in tandem with G. Zhukov, Khrushchev (already a member of the Central Committee of the USSR), it was possible to displace L. P. Beria from all posts, to arrest and destroy. Minister of the Interior Lavrenty Beria is considered a good economic man, a pragmatist (which is good even if the people were especially useful for the case), but he is the only one from the Politburo who personally took part in the torture of suspects and murders (and not only detachedly observed the “process”). This personal factor undoubtedly played a significant role in relation to other members of the Central Committee towards L. Beria.

In 1954, Khrushchev, perhaps as if trying to rehabilitate himself for his past repression in Ukraine, bypassing the necessary approvals, presents the Ukrainian SSR and its party apparatus with a kind of “buy-back” – the Crimea peninsula. Alternative version – the initiator and conductor of the decision is the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Georgy Malenkov. “Fateful” meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee on January 25, 1954 is exactly under his leadership. The first secretary of the Crimean regional committee, P. Titov, who does not agree with such a cunning maneuver, with a decrease is transferred to the post of Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the USSR.

At the same time, the NKVD is divided into the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB. Both these organizations, ideally, should “keep an eye on each other”. The idea may be true, however, however, full control over such important state formations should be done not by themselves, but directly, containing them for their needs, the people. In the absence of such democratic oversight, organizations only compete in muscle building (the Interior Ministry, the Internal Troops, the KGB – border troops, etc.), in the struggle for leadership, and, about its main task – protecting the interests of the likes of us, a good reader, citizens, gradually forget.

One of Khrushchev’s ideas is the development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan. In part, this movement is born as an operation to camouflage traffic flows to the Baikonur rocket in the rush, but soon acquires an independent value. About 50 million hectares of steppe are being plowed up. In a certain period, virgin land supplies the country up to 40% of the total grain. However, because of the poorly developed system of roads, most of it does not reach the mouths of direct consumers. After three or four years, the yield is sharply reduced, and the plowed layer is swept dry.

As an operation for misinformation, “Celina” also has not a very high value. Yes, the US is launching its satellites somewhat later than the Soviet ones. However, on board the “Americans” is the best in the world of photo equipment. With her help, Baikonur (originally, “Tyura-Tam”), as well as many other strategic military facilities of the USSR, are deprived of the cover of secrecy.

Even after everything that has already been done, quite broad masses of people, especially ardent youth, want to create something new and bright. In the same Kazakhstan, at the construction of Temirtau (“Kazakhstan’s Magnitogorsk”), at the call of the soul and the Komsomol vouchers, 25 thousand people gather. In the tent camp without any amenities, but with interruptions in the supply of food, water, and complete “ignore” the leaders of workers’ needs, the enthusiasm is somewhat cooling. In July 1957 a new group of builders arrived – citizens of socialist Bulgaria. Beginners settle in stone houses, provide all conditions of existence. The ordinary Soviet workers who came for breakfast are asked to wait until the Bulgarians finish eating… This all completely overflows the cup of patience. Several hundred people are smashing the dining-room, the department store, scattered around the neighborhood, and beat up the cops who fell on their way. Soldiers who are drawn to the scene of the shooting simply refuse to shoot. Three days later, the cadets of local military schools are doing this work for them. According to official figures, 11 people are dying. Later, the most justified Soviet courts in the world sentenced five more to be shot.

Several thousand former enthusiasts of the “Komsomol construction”, using the vehicles they have seized, from Temirtau run away. The “Kazakh Magnitogorsk” and the Bulgarian builders are leaving forever.

The remaining proletarians, after they were given more or less tolerable conditions ofВ existence, go toВ work, repair the fences and buildings destroyed byВ them.

In 1961, something like this, although much on a smaller scale, is repeated in Krasnodar. … Khrushchev’s money reform has been going on for two weeks already. The focus with a decrease in the gold content of the ruble fails, the precious metal, products and goods rise in price by two or three times without any apparent reasons. To eat, the soldier sells the stolen from the warehouse cap and boots. The military patrol detains the soldier, but numerous sympathizing citizens demand the release of a starving soldier. Later, the major figures of unrest become the reserve major, who became a laborer and fisherman, whose modest catch was confiscated by “people’s” combatants for “illegal trade.”

InВ the end, an accidental man dies, the building ofВ the regional committee ofВ the CPSU is subjected toВ rout and plunder. The excitement subsides on its own. Later, several activists receive terms ofВ imprisonment from 3В toВ 10В years.

All these disturbances become known to the First Secretary; but neither he nor his immediate entourage change anything in the adopted course, “in my head” is not going to. Information about the state of things is obsequiously served as “tricks of hooligans”, “drunken workers”, etc. The System still has a reserve of its own, little dependent on the people’s strength.

The beginning of June 1962 in Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, was marked by mass performances by workers of the local electric locomotive plant. The rate of production increases by 30%, so does the real wage. To the question “What are we going to live on”, the director of the enterprise (pointing to the tray being sold near the pies shop) answers: “We used to eat pies with meat, now you’ll eat with the liver.” The result of a witty joke is a factory seized by workers, the closure of a strategic railway line, a citywide rally.

Instead ofВ developing aВ clear dialogue, the secretary ofВ the local regional committee simply reads from the balcony the appeal ofВ the Central Committee ofВ the CPSU, published earlier inВ the press.

The crowd is sent toВ the center ofВ Novocherkassk, relatively freely bypassing the tanks on the road. General M. Shaposhnikov refuses toВ use the armored cars ofВ his units against the workers. Moreover, he orders the motorized rifles toВ discharge the carbines and machine guns, hand over ammunition. This decision allows him toВ keep aВ good name, the lives ofВ thousands ofВ people, but (three years later, after writing letters toВ Soviet writers, Komsomol committees and rectors ofВ universities) helps toВ leave his post.

A chain of soldiers of Internal Troops (VV) with automatic weapons is built near the building of the city party committee. Someone Azizov opens fire, and kills the first worker. To the place or not, but note that in Central Russia, the military units are usually equipped with draftees from the so-called southern national republics (or, generally speaking, without any nationality). It is easier to suppress protests of the “state-forming people”. The first volley is directed over the heads – but so, under the bullets, the children from the orphanage are sitting on the trees. Shaken by childish shouts, the crowd rushes forward, under gunfire, but, unable to withstand the dense fire, dissipates. According to official figures, 26 people die. Another 11 participants in the riots, even if they were just in the front ranks of people’s demonstrators, are identified by the KGB on operational video materials, and are shot later.

…Khrushchev loves corn. This crop is really, very fruitful and useful. However, even after the Secretary’s report “On the cult of personality” in 1956, the complex of the authoritarian System, in all its most dangerous metastases, is not exhausted. Objection to the Chief, somehow humanly discourse with him is still dangerous – although now it is not your life, but only your position. The main thing here, perhaps, is thoughtless imitation. So, “just in case”, without going into significant details, the leaders on the ground bring the idea of the First Secretary to the utter absurdity. Almost all available acreage is populated by the “Queen of the Fields”, up to and including the territories of the Far North.

All this, at last, bores everyone. The murmur of the people, albeit with an unacceptable, painful delay, is translated into more or less distinct actions of influential functionaries. In 1964, the rest of the rest in Pitsunda NS Khrushchev Presidium of the Supreme Council removed from power. The idea is like this, “just in case” to arrange for the former general secretary of a car accident, a new, not so carnivorous, more collegiate leadership, deviates. At least this time the Central Committee preserves the face before its citizens and the international community. Nikita Sergeyevich lives in the country, under house arrest, grows gorgeous tomatoes, and listens on the radio Voice of America. In 1971, he peacefully dies from cardiac arrest.

Private life. He is married three times, six children. The first son, aВ fighter pilot on the Yak-7, aВ senior lieutenant, dies inВ aerial combat (Kaluga region, 1943).

…Anyway, Khrushchev is a step forward in comparison with Stalin. Everything, as we know, should be judged solely by the fruits. Arguments in the style: “But, after all, I wanted something different, special circumstances emerged” – in the calculation, they are justly not accepted. At the First Secretary people (here and there) receive a small amount of useful proteins and vitamins. Stalin, after only three years after a satisfying, and even prosperous NEP, kills at least 4 million people with mass migrations, famine, and, after another five-year period (peak of repression) – a million, with bullets and torture, in the camps and cellars of the NKVD. We do not know what else Joseph could think of at the end of the sixties, so as to amuse his old age, he remains alive. Under Khrushchev, there is no war (suppression of the Hungarian fascists in 1956 does not count) – with Dzhugashvili there are four of them (including the Korean one, already balancing on the verge of nuclear confrontation). Nikita Sergeyevich admits the death of several dozen people in Novocherkassk – under Joseph Vissarionovich, the scope of peasant uprisings (1929—1932) reaches the scale of the second civil war.

Third Secretary General – Leonid Brezhnev is the next small step towards the well-being of the USSR and even, perhaps, of all mankind.

Workers as leaders: Ivan Likhachev, Andrei Stakhanov

Ivan Likhachev

The very first Soviet truck

ZIS-5, the legendary domestic truck

Ivan Likhachev. Birth – 1896, with. Ozers of the Tula region… The end of the village school, work as a mechanic at the Putilov factory… during the First World War – a service by a sailor in the Baltic Fleet. From 1917 to 1921 years. Likhachev is a commander in parts of the Red Army, and even an employee of the Cheka. Further – studying at the Mining Academy and the Leningrad Electromechanical Institute. Getting too many, not always applicable in practice, knowledge will upset the future People’s Commissar. He leaves the university and, at the behest of the Communist Party, heads the Moscow Automobile Plant (1926). The plant was founded in 1916, before the final establishment of the Soviet government, it was able to produce about 1,300 Fiat cars. The first achievement of MAZ in the USSR – the release in November 1924 of ten one-and-a-half truck AMO-F-15. It is interesting that the conveyor “American”, even with the delivery of Soviets from across the ocean, costs ten times cheaper than it, manufactured on the stalks of the domestic analogue.

From a small and poorly equipped enterprise, in fact – large repair shops, the 30-year-old director creates an auto giant very quickly. Ivan visits the factories of Henry Ford in America, buys Buick, brings it to the capital, sorts it out in parts, introduces many technological innovations to the ZIS (since 1931 – the Stalin Plant). In the same year, based on the American Autocar-5S, AMO-3 was created, the first full-sized truck in the USSR. Likhachev personally participates in the Moscow-Leningrad motor rally. In 1934 the volume of output of cars of various modifications reaches 100 000 per year.

In 1939, Likhachyov was appointed a People’s Commissar of the average industry of the USSR. What is going wrong is not so with scrupulous “execution of government decisions” for “part of compliance with the discipline” in production, and Ivan Alekseevich returned to the plant. The main idea of the automaker is “initiative from below at all levels”. The output of cars reaches 150,000 per year. In October, the plant is evacuated to the Urals, where several powerful high-tech enterprises of various profiles are created on its basis.

An important achievement (in the opinion of the author) – in 1951 the ZIL company organizes the production of quality refrigerators for the widest masses of the population of the USSR.

And, of course, a dubious model of cooperation is the creation, on the basis of documentation, and by Soviet workers, of the Automobile Plant No. 1 in China (1953). Later this, given by the USSR just like that, “to strengthen friendship” the company gets the name First Automobile Works (FAW), and to this day remains the leader of the automobile industry of the Celestial Empire.

…The last Soviet truck – ZIL-4331, out of a total volume of 1.6 million, is manufactured by the plant already on the verge of the collapse of the USSR. In 2016, the Moscow Administration decides to abandon production, destroy the remaining buildings, and use the liberated large areas for the construction of elite residential complexes.

…In the years 1953—1956. Likhachev – Minister of Road Transport and Highways of the USSR. He does not retire, and leaves this world in June 1956. The Moscow Automobile Plant (MAZ, the former ZIS, and the “Pietro Ferrero Plant”) receives the name of ID Likhachev (ZIL).

Private life. His wife is Anna, and her only daughter. Hobbies are aВ passionate footballВ fan.

Andrey Stakhanov

Andrey Stakhanov. Birth – 1905, etc. Lugovaya, Orel region (the neighborhood of the city of Orel) … work as a shepherd, then, at the mine “Central-Irmino” in the Lugansk region as a horse-breeder, and a “classic” miner. The head of the mine, in order to avoid accusations of wrecking, need a loud success. In order to avoid raising the norms of production (therefore, adjusting the ratio “the amount of coal mined – the money earned”), the miners refuse to take part in the action. All except Aleksey Stakhanov, enthusiastically accepted, and even developed the ideas of the party organizer of the mine Konstantin Petrov. On the night of August 1, 1935, Stakhanov “picks up” 102 tons of coal, instead of 7 tons, thereby raising labor productivity 14 times. The basis of the record is the scrupulous preparation of the work of the only “champion”; the preparation of arch fasteners, the stabilization of pressure in the jackhammer (due to the suspension of the rest), the organization of sufficient lighting, etc. In addition, starting from this case, a “progressive” payment system is used. Now all the coal is attributed to the slaughterer himself, and the work of his assistants – skilled stitchers passes through a separate graph. Stakhanov receives 220 rubles, instead of the usual for a miner 25—30. There is no information about the earnings of his two companions.

…Alexei conducts high-ranking officials to the house, with applause and flowers, and then he remains, together with his cousin Evdokia (gypsy), facing a direct threat of physical destruction. At night they burst into the door. Yevdokia hides her husband in the basement, grabs a knife, and promises to deliver accurate punches to the first one who will pass the threshold… The dust of Aleksei’s “buddies” subsides somewhat.

And, fate leads A. Stakhanov away from gloomy dungeons, to pleasant activities, speeches to collectives of workers and schoolchildren, envelops the ring of protection. Alexei’s wife disappears-she dies from underground abortion, goes to the camp (leaving her children to her husband), is rejected by the leadership as an “incorrect” drummer companion, or something else-we do not know for sure.

…At a school concert, Stakhanov gets acquainted with the 14-year-old Galina. Almost a formal girl… not that she responds to the 30-year-old Hero of Labor with reciprocity, but she does not protest. Parents, caring about the welfare of their daughter, ascribe to her 2 years of life, and marry.

In 1936 the young people moved to Moscow. Stakhanov studies in the Industrial Academy… is elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR… lives in the famous House on the Embankment, gets a personal car. The success of the worker is personally monitored by Joseph Stalin (he often invites one to dinner, reviews the lecture notes). He, in fact, becomes the “godfather” of the miner. The journalist makes the mistake of calling Andrei Stakhanov Alexei. The leader declares: “This is a good name… the newspaper” Pravda “can not deceive” and, in the opinion of his pet, not at all interested in, decides to write out the “correct” passport.

Vasiliy Stalin becomes a close friend and drinking companion of Stakhanov. Together they go into steep turns, break Stakhanov’s GAZ M-1, smash the restaurant of the Metropol Hotel, catch the fish in its aquarium, and so on… After all, concerned about his son’s condition, I. Stalin sends the failed Coal Industry Commissar in Karaganda (Kazakhstan), where he becomes the chief of the mine.

In 1943, Alexei Grigorievich returned to Moscow, to the former remarkable apartment (Berestenevskaya embankment). He works in the “sinecure” – the head of the sector of socialist competition, the People’s Commissariat, whose head did not, and especially does not grieve.

In 1957, Khrushchev, for certain reasons, wishing to see Stakhanov closer to real production, calls Alexei into the office, and explains the whole situation. This is in fact necessary for foreign writers who form an opinion on the Country of Soviets. The Hero of Labor does not have to go through silly papers on the table. “After all, I myself am a miner…” Nikita Sergeyevich pronounces, but Stakhanov unceremoniously cuts him off. “What kind of (obscene word) miner!?”.

It’s all. Temporary “reference” is replaced by a lifelong one. The Stakhanov family, from Moscow and a five-room apartment with conveniences, refuses to go for the disgraced head. In Donbass town of Torez Aleksey Grigorievich becomes an assistant to the chief engineer of the mine. The trouble is that Stakhanov can actually no longer work. Salary “Lehe Stakanov” (from the word “glass”) is charged in any case. So a person gets out of a toning-up daily regime, gets out of the circle of fruitful communication, falls into depression and binge. In 1970, Stakhanov was remembered at the very top, sent K.T. Petrov to Torez, the same one who once organized the epoch-making record, with the mission of salvation. Konstantin Grigorievich finds his former protege in the most depressing state, under a fence (worse than you can imagine), laundered and delivers to Moscow. Here the miner is awarded the Order of the Hero of Socialist Labor, amicably welcomes labor collectives, etc., etc.

After take-off follows another failure. Stakhanov goes toВ aВ psychiatric hospital. After the last arrival ofВ K. Petrov (1977) follows aВ short-term remission. The miner comes toВ his senses, recalls his whole life, says, he says, demands the return ofВ the departed Constantine back.

The next day Stakhanov perishes.

Private life: civil marriage with Evdokia – daughter and son. These children quite happily get on with the second, legitimate wife Galina, and two new sisters. The third marriage is concluded in “exile”, almost accidentally, with some Antonina, and soon canceled.

Morality. In a society where all are formally equal, the information hunger is particularly acute. For the sake of its quenching various kinds of labor “records” are organized. Life is the essence of news. The social order that officially allows stratification, or at least some kind of non-equality of people, experiences considerably less difficulty in preparing tasty information dishes.

In the society of equality, tendencies of thoughtless imitation are strong. Experience, more or less useful in coal mining, is transferred to medicine, science, art (we are obliged to give out more distant teeth, discoveries, productions) and, sadly, the service of state security. Since the beginning of 1937, repressive bodies on the ground compete in the number of people killed, put forward “counter plans” to increase Stalin’s quotas, and so on.

Are workers ready or not prepared to responsibly manage the most important enterprises of the state? The answer in the case of Stakhanov is “No, this threatens them with a nervous breakdown.” But, we also know other examples, here, yes, the sailor Ivan Likhachev (two courses of the Mining Academy), in old workshops created a grandiose automotive production. The result: “OK, and it’s good, but you should be prepared for such a transformation, and always look carefully at your feet.”

Alexei Kosygin, Leonid Brezhnev, Dmitry Ustinov

Alexei Kosygin

Alexei Kosygin. Birth – 1904, St. Petersburg… in 1919—1921, service in the labor units of the Red Army, study at the Petrograd Cooperative Technical School, … the work of the planning department of the Siberian Union of consumer cooperation. In 1930, Alexei Nikolayevich returned to Leningrad, entered the Leningrad Textile Institute (simply – “Rag”) and ended it. Since 1936, he works as a foreman… chief of a factory change, and a year later he becomes director himself.

It can not be said that last year’s student possesses exceptional qualities as a manager, and brilliant charisma, but the field of vacancies was thoroughly cleared by the Great Terror of 1937. Most likely, many of those who perished could eclipse Alexei Kosygin – we will never know that… At that time, as in the central regions of the RSFSR, each functionary is a promoter of some repressed (pulling into the abyss and protégé) statesman, our hero resides in a relatively calm Siberia. Moreover, without a reasonable explanation of the reasons, Kosygin impressed Stalin himself. So, after some swinging, in 1939 Alexei Nikolaevich became People’s Commissar of the textile industry of the USSR. During the war years, he occupies various positions of responsibility, evacuates factories to the Urals (more than 1500 major enterprises), works on “Dear Life” to the besieged Leningrad, etc. In 1948, despite the proximity to people designated “enemies of the people “Kosygin manages to survive the” Leningrad case. “He becomes deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and also a candidate member of the Politburo of the CPSU (B.). In the summer of 1953, Alexei heads, the Ministry of Food Products Industry, assembled from several ministries, gives this project a move, and returns to its previous post. Already under Brezhnev, in 1964 A. Kosygin became head of the government (yes-yes) of the USSR.

The famous “golden five-year plan” of Kosygin starts. On the one hand, the stock of enthusiasm and spiritual strength of the people has not completely dried up yet. On the other hand, government structures were abandoned by the original revolutionaries; trying at least naively, rudely and awkwardly, but still create a new social order. The situation is reminiscent of how doctors support life in the patient: they change the droppers, monitor the ventilation of the lungs, sometimes even carry them through hospital corridors. Day by day, the same food. So it can last a long time… but, it’s not that. Correctly developing organism struggles with illnesses independently… and grows. For life, a person needs a dream, waiting for tomorrow… at least believing that something very good will happen in his time. The authorities cease to produce even such promises. The self-activity of the people itself is mechanically extinguished in the localities.

Nevertheless, some rational approach to the organization of the economy is bearing fruit. Multiplication of national income reaches 33% per year. Enterprises expand their independence. Part of the profit goes not directly to the state budget, but remains for the development of the enterprise, premiums, and attached schools-kindergartens (so-called “social”). The director can not send the received increase to the pocket only to himself, the adored accountant, the secretary, but to the general salary fund, to arrange the life of workers, a new stadium, or a dining room – please.

The oil and gas producing complex receives a powerful development. In fact, all the infrastructure now used by the oligarchs – “Friends of the Self” – oil rigs, pipelines, roads, cities and towns in Siberia, was created during the times of Alexei Kosygin. However, for many reasons that have not been fully understood, the head of the government can not arrange the export of processed products.

The strength of Alexei Nikolaevich himself is running low. In 1968, he lost an important spiritual support – the wife of Claudia Andreevna. After 6 years, a stroke occurs.

In 1979 A. Kosygin, the only member of the Politburo, simply categorically objected to the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. But, the former principle of a reasonable Brezhnev collegiality now no longer works. The Chairman has time to make an important contribution to the organization of the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, before submitting an application for care in connection with the deterioration of health. A week later, the former head of the Government of the USSR leaves the state dacha, moves to a modest apartment, taking with him only personal belongings and books. Alexei anticipates that now everything will go wrong, the Eleventh Five-Year Plan 1981—1985. will be completely, not at all “golden” – but it can not do anything any more…

Substitutions for A. Kosygin – responsible, business, modest in the way of life… not a drinking statesman, no.

Private life – the only wife, Claudia Andreevna, daughter. Hobby – skiing, canoeing, walking along mountain trails.

Leonid Brezhnev

Leonid Brezhnev. Birth – 1906, with. Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), Ekaterinoslav province (now Dneprovsk region, Ukraine), … working at a butter mill, studying at the Kursk land-reclamation technical school. Until 1929 – L. Brezhnev – surveyor and land surveyor. Further, fate leads him into the power offices, where Leonid Ilich practices the skills of not only land in the posts of deputy chairman of the district executive committee and deputy head of the Ural Land Administration. L. Brezhnev raises the qualification in the universities of Moscow and Dneprodzerzhinsk, serves in the army as an officer-tanker, becomes secretary of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. During the Great Patriotic War, the chief of the Political Department of the 18th Army, Colonel Brezhnev, in particular, organized the resistance of Soviet troops on the “Little Earth” bridgehead near Novorossiysk. Recall, the bridgehead is formed on February 4, 1943 as a result of the partially unsuccessful operation of the Red Army to liberate the city of Novorossiysk. The main, sea and air assault forces, due to inadequate fire support, are being retreated, the auxiliary one, using captured weapons, ammunition, etc., seizes the territories later named “Lesser Earth”. Soldiers are building a network of trenches, dugouts, defending a bridgehead for 225 days. Brigade Commissar LI Brezhnev is on the front lines, conducts classes, which now would be called “training for team building” and in general, it shows itself not bad. On June 24, 1945, Major-General Leonid Ilyich took part in the Victory Parade on Red Square.

…According to some sources, Leonid Brezhnev is one of ten armed generals who arrived in the Kremlin for the arrest of L. P. Beria.

From the submission ofВ Khrushchev, LB, who became the first secretary ofВ the Central Committee ofВ the Communist Party ofВ Kazakhstan, manages the development ofВ virgin lands, as well as the construction ofВ the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Since May 1960, L. Brezhnev – Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It sounds very, very solid, but still, the main secretary in this System is the First Secretary of the Central Committee. In 1964 Khrushchev dismisses Brezhnev from a high post, replacing him (his friend) Anastas Mikoyan. Brezhnev, already with his longtime friend, Nikolai Podgorny, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, secretary (one of several) of the CPSU Central Committee, and other interested persons, is advancing. At the extraordinary meeting of the Presidium convened, Leonid Brezhnev satisfied his former patron with a thorough separation. Nikita Sergeyevich understands that he is stumped, reports Mikoyan (“I will not fight”) and, at the second meeting, with the words “Finally, the party grew and can control any person” (the option “do without blood”), Games for retirement.

So, in 1965 the Golden Five-Year Plan of Kosygin starts. The real welfare of citizens during this time increases by more than 2.2 times. It can be said that now the collective leadership is being implemented: five or six members of the Central Committee are significant instead of a “leader.” But, by and large, there is still no feedback system with government bodies. You can change anything on the ground only if, for example, your letter (one of many thousands) is published in a central newspaper.

…It should be repeated. A huge country ruled 5—6, maybe 10 people – “Friends” of the General Secretary. This, of course, is much better than the single “leader” granted to the whims of his split psyche, but there is simply no one to correct these people, in case of their serious mistake, or, perhaps, even a direct betrayal of the interests of their country. Civil institutions, communities, most importantly, independent, speaking people, there is not (or the “security service” immediately takes them for the mentally ill). A similar system develops in science, art, and all branches of industry. Artistic councils do not allow creative groups to develop. KGB chief Yuri Andropov, for the sake of the “economic scouts” he loves, drives the groups of initiative masters into the awkward giant VNIITSEVT, makes mindlessly copy IBM 360; completely stopping all this development of domestic computers. In 1969, Americans make a global breakthrough: they create a computer network ARPANET, a connection between the scientific institutions of the United States, England… the entire developed Western world, the prototype of the modern Internet. In the USSR this epoch-making movement remains practically unnoticed.

And all that sort ofВ thing.

Under Khrushchev, the five-million-strong Soviet Army and Navy are largely reduced. This is, ofВ course, aВ good thing. However, officers are subject toВ unacceptable humiliations. Yes, they do not know how toВ do anything more often, often the colonial majors have toВ occupy very insignificant posts, up toВ the collective farm shepherd; but, after all, we understand that this is not the way toВ deal with people.

Under Leonid Brezhnev and his Friends, the Armed Forces of the USSR (not restrained, for example, awakened by the high consciousness of the people), and the military-industrial complex, take an excellent revenge. Armored vehicles are produced. Many, many tanks and armored personnel carriers. All of them are stored in vast fields, open-air, throughout the USSR, and there, without due maintenance and attention, gradually die. NATO countries focus on helicopters, air defense assets, guided missiles and other high-tech products; high mobility and efficiency. As practice showed, this decision is quite appropriate. So, in Afghanistan, the Soviet tanks T-64, T-72, (with a slight elevation of the gun, very vulnerable from above, gluttonous and overweight) did not make a special impression on the Mujahideen; while helicopters Mi-24 – more than.

Defense spending on the Internet, specific numbers, and not lengthy reasoning on a given topic, is rather difficult to find. The ratio of military spending in the general budget of opponents is somewhat trusting: the USSR – 18%, the USA – 6%.

The number ofВ the Soviet Army is increasing, from 2В million inВ 1970В toВ 5.5В million inВ 1985. And, as we are now friends, aВ huge but not motivated military armada does not at all guarantee the security and integrity ofВ the state. On the contrary, it only contributes toВ its disintegration inВ every possibleВ way.

…Since 1964 the organization “Council for Mutual Economic Assistance” (CMEA) is coming to full capacity, uniting the most developed socialist countries of the world. The beginning of it, recall, believes the decision of Stalin (1949), as well as the actual reception for the maintenance of future satellites in 1945—1947. For example, only Romania (an agrarian country), a recent ally of Hitler’s Germany, who lost 0.5 million of its soldiers in the war (and contributed to the death of probably a comparable number of Soviet soldiers), gratuitously received 480,000 tons of wheat and corn. During the same period, at least 800,000 people died of starvation in the Soviet Union, mostly collective farmers and (not having any allowances) disabled veterans of the war.

The continuation of the CMEA, in general, corresponds to its beginning. The currency of the organization is the so-called transfer (non-cash) ruble. Money that can not be cashed, presented in the form of a ringing coin or a crispy note – are dead. Moreover, despite the national name; “The ruble”, the USSR in principle does not have the ability to print these banknotes so much as to pay off all debts, and buy in the CMEA member countries as much as they put up for sale. In this, the monetary policy of the Soviet Union is radically different from that in the United States. The American Fed produces exactly that, live money – gray-green dollars, which, despite their theoretical lack of gold, you can touch, hide in your pocket, pay for a tank of gasoline, or, say, big poppy. The countries – the satellites of the USA, and not only, greedily buy up these material banknotes, enter into the internal circulation, pay off among themselves, and with the whole world. Not quite honest, but more than effective. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, senators and presidents … the whole American nation understands that buddies who are constantly sitting on their neck, feeling themselves in debt, will betray you at any convenient moment.

…In 1965, the USSR gave Poland licenses, a full cycle of production of the most popular aircraft AN-2 and Mi-2 helicopters. Of course, this is just one of a great many examples of not mutually beneficial cooperation. Most of the industrial production, transport, power capacity in the Eastern Bloc (Warsaw Pact, CMEA) was established by the Soviet Union. The essential difference between the organization of the Warsaw Pact (from 1955) and NATO, incidentally, is that a significant share of common arms is produced by Western European countries. This is their contribution to the North Atlantic Alliance… which can be replaced by resources, or simply (live) money. In the Eastern bloc, weapons for almost 8 million soldiers supply the industrial capacities of the Soviet Union. Or, the USSR has to purchase these weapons – paying, for example, for the Mi-2 mentioned above, with transferable (provided by real goods and resources) rubles to the socialist Poland. The assessment of general assistance to Cuba, the DPRK, China, Iraq, India, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Laos, Afghanistan, Algeria, Ethiopia, Somalia, Albania, Nicaragua and other non-European socialist (or simply “friendly”) countries is difficult, but on the basis of some data the number of “400 billion not devalued dollars” seems plausible. In order, at least approximately, to convert this amount into its modern equivalent, it is necessary to multiply 0.4 trillion by 4. And still, it would be somehow tolerable if from this donation there appeared at least some economic, even if only moral return. “Who feeds the girl at the restaurant, he dances with her” – this widely known, psychologically quite justified situation in this case does not work. The Soviet Union feeds its “girls” year after year, waiting for love, but they show some enthusiasm only with the next supply of weapons and food. At the same time, sometimes, the followers behave with respect to the “teacher” very aggressively, and in a boorish way. So, Albania simply selects four submarines from the USSR at the base in Vlora, Cuba physically prevents the dismantling of rocket launchers on its territory, etc. Two truly democratic countries never fight each other, autocratic or totalitarian – quite self. Everything depends on a whim that lacks a real connection with the people of the leaders: the degree of indigestion of their stomach, migraine, toothache, nighttime “prophetic” sleep, nervous illness, or middle-aged crisis. Undoubtedly, the Soviet people discourage such things as the war between the socialist countries: Ethiopia and Somalia, China and Vietnam, … the suppression by Soviet troops of speeches in Czechoslovakia, and, of course, almost resulted in the Third World Conflict of the USSR and the Maoist PRC.

The assistance ofВ the Union toВ African countries leads, inВ the end (inВ addition toВ other factors) toВ the collapse ofВ the apartheid regime inВ South Africa, the expulsion ofВ hundreds ofВ thousands ofВ European colonists from the developed lands; The immersion ofВ once prosperous states inВ the abyss ofВ chaos.

…So, the countries of the socialist camp only say sometimes about sympathy for the Soviet Union – but more substantial evidence of this love is not provided. There are no Soviet, chic and very inexpensive resorts in the victorious Vietnam, Laos, Egypt, Syria… ocean tours to Cuba. These countries do not accept good Soviet rubles for payment… In the end, the understanding that mercantile “girls” are simply “dynamiting” their patron, reaches the consciousness of the entire Soviet people (even, it seems, its top leaders).

The approach toВ the US business is completely different. If aВ certain country really wants toВ learn something, it must honor its teacher, pay it well, follow all instructions, and be ready (if something goes wrong at all) toВ take aВ refreshing dose ofВ rods.

Example: Soviet military attaches arrive in Libya to create a full-fledged army there, and at the same time enlighten the leadership of the “Jamahiriya” about building the right socialism. The weapons purchased by the Arab Republic from the USSR on credit (and, therefore, free of charge, that is, for nothing) are so numerous that 300 aircraft of various types, dozens of helicopters, 4,000 tanks, antiaircraft complexes, etc., stand in the desert, just covered with pieces of tarpaulin.

In this, absolutely non-democratic country, there are no legal norms or norms supported by the people’s charters and regulations. Everything depends, solely, on the leader of Moammar Gaddafi, his closest relatives, friends and, perhaps, the communicative skills of those who wish to somehow interact with them.

Soviet military advisers isolate, prohibit any movement beyond 15 km. from the base, exclude communication with the highest officials of the state, if they suddenly themselves do not condescend to it. Higher officers huddle almost in the Bedouin tents, and, until then, they are eating what they have. The small print on the Libyan passports issued to military and civilian specialists is “Hired force – one of the varieties of slaves.” … In 1965, the USSR gave Poland licenses, a full cycle of production of the most popular aircraft AN-2 and Mi-2 helicopters. Of course, this is just one of a great many examples of not mutually beneficial cooperation. Most of the industrial production, transport, power capacity in the Eastern Bloc (Warsaw Pact, CMEA) was established by the Soviet Union. The essential difference between the organization of the Warsaw Pact (from 1955) and NATO, incidentally, is that a significant share of common arms is produced by Western European countries. This is their contribution to the North Atlantic Alliance… which can be replaced by resources, or simply (live) money. In the Eastern bloc, weapons for almost 8 million soldiers supply the industrial capacities of the Soviet Union. Or, the USSR has to purchase these weapons – paying, for example, for the Mi-2 mentioned above, with transferable (provided by real goods and resources) rubles to the socialist Poland. The assessment of general assistance to Cuba, the DPRK, China, Iraq, India, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Laos, Afghanistan, Algeria, Ethiopia, Somalia, Albania, Nicaragua and other non-European socialist (or simply “friendly”) countries is difficult, but on the basis of some data the number of “400 billion not devalued dollars” seems plausible. In order, at least approximately, to convert this amount into its modern equivalent, it is necessary to multiply 0.4 trillion by 4. And still, it would be somehow tolerable if from this donation there appeared at least some economic, even if only moral return. “Who feeds the girl at the restaurant, he dances with her” – this widely known, psychologically quite justified situation in this case does not work. The Soviet Union feeds its “girls” year after year, waiting for love, but they show some enthusiasm only with the next supply of weapons and food. At the same time, sometimes, the followers behave with respect to the “teacher” very aggressively, and in a boorish way. So, Albania simply selects four submarines from the USSR at the base in Vlora, Cuba physically prevents the dismantling of rocket launchers on its territory, etc. Two truly democratic countries never fight each other, autocratic or totalitarian – quite self. Everything depends on a whim that lacks a real connection with the people of the leaders: the degree of indigestion of their stomach, migraine, toothache, nighttime “prophetic” sleep, nervous illness, or middle-aged crisis. Undoubtedly, the Soviet people discourage such things as the war between the socialist countries: Ethiopia and Somalia, China and Vietnam, … the suppression by Soviet troops of speeches in Czechoslovakia, and, of course, almost resulted in the Third World Conflict of the USSR and the Maoist PRC.

The assistance ofВ the Union toВ African countries leads, inВ the end (inВ addition toВ other factors) toВ the collapse ofВ the apartheid regime inВ South Africa, the expulsion ofВ hundreds ofВ thousands ofВ European colonists from the developed lands; The immersion ofВ once prosperous states inВ the abyss ofВ chaos.

…So, the countries of the socialist camp only say sometimes about sympathy for the Soviet Union – but more substantial evidence of this love is not provided. There are no Soviet, chic and very inexpensive resorts in the victorious Vietnam, Laos, Egypt, Syria… ocean tours to Cuba. These countries do not accept good Soviet rubles for payment… In the end, the understanding that mercantile “girls” are simply “dynamiting” their patron, reaches the consciousness of the entire Soviet people (even, it seems, its top leaders).

The approach toВ the US business is completely different. If aВ certain country really wants toВ learn something, it must honor its teacher, pay it well, follow all instructions, and be ready (if something goes wrong at all) toВ take aВ refreshing dose ofВ rods.

Example: Soviet military attaches arrive in Libya to create a full-fledged army there, and at the same time enlighten the leadership of the “Jamahiriya” about building the right socialism. The weapons purchased by the Arab Republic from the USSR on credit (and, therefore, free of charge, that is, for nothing) are so numerous that 300 aircraft of various types, dozens of helicopters, 4,000 tanks, antiaircraft complexes, etc., stand in the desert, just covered with pieces of tarpaulin.

In this, absolutely non-democratic country, there are no legal norms or norms supported by the people’s charters and regulations. Everything depends, solely, on the leader of Moammar Gaddafi, his closest relatives, friends and, perhaps, the communicative skills of those who wish to somehow interact with them.

Soviet military advisers isolate, prohibit any movement beyond 15 km. from the base, exclude communication with the highest officials of the state, if they suddenly themselves do not condescend to it. Higher officers huddle almost in the Bedouin tents, and, until then, they are eating what they have. The small print on the Libyan passports issued to military and civilian specialists is “Hired force – one of the varieties of slaves. “The main occupation of the “slave” is simple – the maintenance of military equipment in good condition (the Libyans regard the TO as lower than their dignity), the training of servicemen for its proper operation and application. To order anything to any Arab, Soviet military advisers have no right. From political studies in the style of “Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided…” the Libyan officers silently leave.

Americans, in turn, initially, without hypocrisy and hypocrisy, create a true picture of the situation in their chosen country, organize a civil society, put in place even elementary legal norms. Imagine the restriction of movements of the military attache, ambassadors in this case it is impossible. Moreover, to leave the territory of the military base, for example, for leisure, according to this request, it is not only the officer who is free, but also the most common soldier. The location of all US employees is furnished, certainly, with some comfort. American – it sounds proud. Noticing how the representatives of the superpower respect themselves, their fellow citizens, they honor the “convenient” laws invented by them, the local residents also penetrate to the guardians with piety …

Relying on their civil society, American advisers can effectively influence the government itself. The government usually understands this, tyranny and autocracy tries to avoid – or receives mass actions of its, now quite fully conscious people.

What is said here can anger a certain reader: “How so, the author clearly propagandizes US intervention.” Well, then, let’s sum up the results we selected as an example of Libya. The result of Brezhnev’s friendship with Gaddafi: 4, 5 billion dollars of written-off debts for the post-Soviet Russia, and an unknown amount of money “forgiven” the USSR. The humiliated dignity of Soviet citizens, disappointment in the socialist system. It’s all. Interaction with Libya of the USA and Western Europe: free access to cheap oil, honestly paid contracts, hiring various specialists and supplying equipment. In 2011, the US Air Force, France, Great Britain contribute to the defeat of the Gaddafi army by the rebel forces. By the way, the spark from which the flame of civil war is kindled is “just” the arrest of a certain human rights activist. So the countries of the Western world provide their security – led by an unpredictable leader, Libya has come close to building its nuclear weapons (and, or, also, buying it in the DPRK).

So, to date, the US-EU has not been able to create democracy in Libya. Perhaps, because of the inconceivable mixture of tribes, beliefs, mentality, godless pride, etc., it was impossible simply from the beginning. In this case, this goal does not appear to have been set. Oil and security, for its people – is not bad in itself.

Democracy, law, order and prosperity, however, are quite successfully implemented in other countries controlled by the US, including the former members of the Warsaw Pact, and the republics that make up the Soviet Union itself. The center of their crystallization is yes, the military bases of NATO. The USSR was unable to present its satellites with legislative, judicial, financial, political, civil-law systems, convenient to use, leading to success, and North America – yes. And, it is this, and not humiliating gifts, the most important thing.

What do we do? Declare democracy and civil society, as now fashionable, harmful, dangerous, initially not applicable to treatment in Russia? Those who say this are our enemies. We need to study democracy, can debug and improve, develop to higher heights, surpass the US in it – and use it on the entire planet, at its discretion.

…In the Brezhnev USSR of the seventies of the last century factories and factories are working, gas and oil are running in the pipes, numerous tractors and harvesters are scurrying along the cultivated fields. But here in the village store (“Selpo”) on the shelves are the same sprats in tomato, “Tourist breakfast”, mineral water, bread … sunflower oil in bottling, Georgian, not very good tea (and sometimes not always), chicory instead of coffee … that’s all. In urban retail outlets, the situation is only slightly more interesting. The best that is produced by the national economy, somewhere that, imperceptibly for the people themselves, disappears. Everything that is genuinely loved by “ordinary people”, the government, for some reason declares harmful, somehow tries to make it uncomfortable … unrealizable. Television, radio, and print media are under the control of an extremely narrow circle of party bureaucrats. To assess the situation, to shout to the whole country, to ask – and to be heard in the “small Politburo”, in this System is difficult. Something similar, already clearly on the verge of a mental break in 1975, is undertaken by Capt. 3rd Rank Valery Sablin; raises the rebellion on the guard ship “Watchdog”, goes to Kronstadt, to speak on the Central TV, outlining the views of the representative of the people – but in the end, only gets a bullet in the basement of the Committee of State Security.

In 1977, Leonid Brezhnev made a move, which, as it seems, seems to strengthen the vertical of power remarkably well, and, also, the Soviet state as a whole. Since June 16 this year, the posts of the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee are combined. A peculiar two-headed eagle becomes, of course, himself, already suffered a stroke, devoid of firmness of gait and former clarity of consciousness, esteemed Leonid Ilyich. A very significant political figure, Nikolai Podgorny, who previously held the post of head of the abovementioned higher legislative body of the Union, is sent to retirement. Two years earlier, the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, AN Shelepin, “left”; and on such, it should be noted, an interesting fact that “for the sake of false democracy,” he eats in the common dining room and rests in a sanatorium “for ordinary people.” L. Brezhnev disappears from his inner circle and the leader of the KGB, Vladimir Semichastny, is the same one who once had dissuaded Leonid Ilyich from the physical elimination of Nikita Khrushchev. In the “small Politburo” there are only the nearest, in all consonants with “Samim” (He is), as they say now, “Friends.”

Chairman of the Council of Ministers, “business executive” A. Kosygin does not count. To correct, now there is no one left from the collective conduct of affairs of the “leader”. And so, in response to the murder of Hafizullah Amin’s security service by the personal friend of the secretary general, Nura Taraki, Brezhnev, after some communication with Andropov and Ustinov, opens Pandora’s box. The invasion of Afghanistan, the destruction of Amin and half of his family, a long, viscous war with those who could be good neighbors, are the beginning of the end of the USSR.

They say that there is something indistinct about “Americans who might appear in Afghanistan” … In Vietnam they also appeared when what was so good for them there? And now the Coalition troops are still in the “Afghan”. Us, friends from this, it turns out, is neither cold nor hot.

Meanwhile, the extremely narrowed circle of responsible persons, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, now has no one to rely on. A person with weak health, he falls into captivity to his, still quite vigorous friends. There is no alternative, the people are silent, the threads of running a huge country are ultimately tied in just two or three people. Leonid Brezhnev sometimes only calls Defense Minister D. Ustinov, with a tear and reproach in his voice, asks: “When will this war end?! … Dima, you promised me it would not be for long.”

Leonid Brezhnev has no right to dispose of even himself. Several times he declares his desire to retire, and receives from the Politburo a benevolent “no” answer. This system lacks the institution of a more or less regular, legitimate change of power. Looking at the speaker on television, stumbling on every word of the head of state, citizens of the USSR (according to the author’s feelings) involuntarily identify with himself, the state, the state of things: “soon all this will end.”

The only spirit remaining in the minds of the townsfolk to this day: “We already have a ruler, he knows something and knows how, do not rock the boat, otherwise everything will get worse.”

The Secretary-General dies from cardiac arrest in 1982. However, eighteen years of his rule are a kind of “Golden Autumn of the Empire.” This is the time when you can live without fear of a “black funnel” under the window at night, it’s quite tolerable to eat, start children, drink natural fruit-wine, sing bard songs and dream of a beautiful far away…

Personal life: married toВ Viktoria Petrovna (born Denisova) since 1927, two children. AВ fan ofВ hunting for large animals, football and driving (including rare cars).

Dmitry Ustinov, photo ofВ the 1950s

Dmitry Ustinov. Birth – 1908, Samara, … in children’s summers – courier work… the introduction of a volunteer in the Red Army, service in Special Purpose Chambers (CHON). Further Ustinov works as a fitter at the factory, he studies at various institutes, down to the Leningrad “Voenmech”. Since 1937 (the vacancy field has been cleared) – engineer-designer, director of the plant “Bolshevik”. In 1941, 33-year-old Dmitry Fedorovich became a People’s Commissar of Soviet armament. His predecessor, B. Vannikov, Stalin must be released a month after the outbreak of the war – since it is too necessary for the production of ammunition. The recent prisoner becomes deputy commissar-beginner. Since 1946 Dmitry Ustinov, the USSR Minister of Armaments, has been actively participating in the missile project. In 1957, D.W. advocates N. Khrushchev, in 1964 – promotes his displacement. Since 1976, Ustinov – one of the secretaries of the CPSU Central Committee, which is included in the unofficial, so-called. “A small Politburo”, as well as the Minister of Defense. He died in 1984, from severe pneumonia; caused by the reluctance of Dmitry Fedorovich to leave, an official event held in the cold wind. It suggests that almost simultaneously with D. Ustinov, and with the same clinical picture of the disease, the defense ministers of the GDR, Hungary and Czechoslovakia die, who were together at a festive dinner (in honor of the completion of the Warsaw Pact exercises).

Private life: wife Taisia, son, daughter. The usual ratio ofВ attention toВ work and personal life: 10:В 1.

Evaluation of the author: D. F. Ustinov is one of those people who with passion and passion create colorful false pictures of reality. The Soviet Army of the seventies and eighties is deeply sick, bottom-to-top pervaded by hazing, national issues, and partly elementary inadequate. Ideals are absent. The fighting spirit fluctuates around zero. All thoughts come down to where else to find food. Training of soldiers is reduced to outright profanity and fraud (deceit). Most of the equipment is kept under the open sky, and is not suitable for any quick commissioning. But, “a man of Stalin’s tempering” is inclined to believe only in smooth reports on his desk. TN. The “Ustinov doctrine” provides for a preemptive nuclear missile strike in response to signs of a nuclear attack, the breakthrough of tank armadas through the echeloned defense of Western European countries… the establishment of control over mainland Europe. What does “pre-emptive strike” and “signs of attack” mean? It is not entirely clear what has Europe to do with it, if the war is unleashed after all, America? It’s not really one. How can the Soviet Army fight in France, Belgium, near the notorious Straits in Turkey, if almost all the cities of the USSR are destroyed by atomic fire? Is it able, in addition, to control the unfriendly population? Does it make more sense to focus on protecting your country, with all the remaining means? And, probably, these (non-nuclear) forces should be much more mobile than sluggish armored groups?!

In the prevailing, insanely narrow circle of “small Politburo” communication, there is nobody to talk about this with Marshal Ustinov. The opinion of the common man: the usual officer “on the ground”, an ordinary soldier, yes, and that citizen in glasses, walking along the street, this System is not taken into account.

…The arguments of Marshal N. Ogarkov, the chief of the General Staff of the USSR, who sharply protests against the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, are also not taken into account. In the end, the state, whose organism does not provide for the reactions of the self-satisfied brain to receptor signals, ceases to make meaningful actions, and disintegrates.

Yuri Andropov, Mikhail Gorbachev

Yuri Andropov

Yuri Andropov. Birth – 1914, Stavropol province (the province) … work on the telegraph, assistant projectionist, training in the Rybinsk river technical school. Occupying the position of the Komsomol organizer (komsorg) at the shipyard… First Secretary of the Yaroslavl Regional Committee of the Komsomol. Since 1951, he is transferred to Moscow, where he works as an inspector of the Central Committee, then transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) … appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the USSR in Hungary. Successful practice of Andropov during the suppression of the Hungarian rebellion is becoming an excellent springboard for the next career leap. In 1962 Yuri Vladimirovich was elected secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Five years later he became chairman of the State Security Committee of the USSR. Andropov – one of the people who contributed to the decision to enter the contingent troops of the Warsaw Pact countries in Czechoslovakia (1968) and Afghanistan (1979). KGB with Yu. A. Pervades the staff of (secret) employees all the more or less significant enterprises and organizations.

In 1982, at an extraordinary Plenum of the Central Committee, Yu. Andropov was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and, a year later – Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The first actions visible by people – “tightening of nuts”, the so-called. the struggle against truants and violators of the socialist discipline of labor – unthinkable, apparently, for the beginning of the eighties, raids on idle people. Begins leapfrog personnel changes. Upward, such well-known personalities as Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev, Ryzhkov and Ligachev are moving along the career ladder. In total, up to 30% of the “Brezhnev” composition is replaced in the party organizations. Andropov talks about the need to “know the country in which we live” … in his speeches the word “self-financing” is heard more often. But, sometimes, words are just words. Specific mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and, for example, certain “councils of labor collectives” are not formally prescribed, and in the case, as a model for all, no one is running into anyone.

Perhaps, feeling some confusion in the top leadership of the Union, weakening the health of the Secretary-General himself, the United States and Western Europe sharply increase military and political pressure on the USSR. September 1, 1983, perhaps as a result of a well-fabricated provocation, not far from Fr. Sakhalin suffers a catastrophe Boeing 747 Korean Airlines. President of the United States Ronald Reagan declares the USSR “Empire of Evil”. On the territory of Western Europe, the Pershing rockets of the dagger fire are placed, with the time of approach to the main objectives of 4—6 minutes…

Since July 1983 Andropov runs the country, almost without getting out of bed. On vacation in the Crimea, he gets a cold – which, combined with a long-standing kidney disease, leads to death (1984).

Personal life. His wife – Nina (Engalycheva) since 1935, two children. The spouse refuses to move for the future General Secretary to Karelia, and this circumstance destroys the marriage. The second wife is Tatyana (Lebedeva). In the union are born, too, son and daughter. Close friends are absent in principle. Hobby – listening to records with jazz…

Evaluation of the author. The KGB under Andropov counts 400,000 official officers (including border guards officers), as well as about 5 million “voluntary assistants”. Full-time workers are expected to have a very high salary, food orders, queuing apartments, special polyclinics and other pleasant benefits. Do you need, however, “opera” and expensive informers, if their detailed opinion about the situation in the country, and at his native enterprise is always ready to make any sane worker – and completely free of charge? There is an opinion (according to the usual “conspiracy theory” in this case) that under the guise of sex workers, that is, secret officers throughout the Soviet Union, Yu. V. Andropov is being planted by representatives of the distribution mafia from the Jewish diaspora (himself, Andropov, – Flekenstein, no matter what they say about the “reception of a Russian daughter in a Jewish family”). …The Interior Ministry has been trying for some time to fight this branched, powerful structure – but in response it only receives powerful blows throughout the Union, and also, a severe discredit in the media (the film “Murder on Zhdanovsky”, etc.). Be that as it may, under Y. Andropov, the state’s GDP rises, by 1.5—2 percent, while the prices for vodka-Andropovka-are declining. The government of Yuri Andropov, now, after a considerable time has passed, is estimated by the people of Russia, rather, say, friends, positively.

Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev. Birth – 1931, with. Privolnoye of the Stavropol Territory… working as an assistant to the combine operator… the reward received for the shock work helps MG. go to the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. After graduating from the University (1955), having quickly tried several posts, he worked as First Secretary of the Regional (Stavropol) Committee of the Komsomol… and Chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1978, Mikhail S. Gorbachev was elected secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and moved to Moscow. 1985 – after a sudden retreat into the world of another General Secretary of the CPSU, KU Chernenko Mikhail Sergeevich takes the posts of the Secretary General and, as is customary, starting with VI Brezhnev, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (head of the only party and state).

In the same year, Gorbachev announced the introduction of a dry law. Prices for alcohol are rising, sales are limited. Throughout the country to the wine shops are built multi-meter, so humiliating people turn. Norma – one or two bottles of vodka in your hands. To buy a certain amount of alcohol for the wedding, another important solemn event… requires an official certificate from the registry office. On the orders of Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa Maksimovna, born literally at a family council, over a cup of tea, wonderful vineyards are cut down under the root… practically, everything (I saw). Actually, on the ground, canteens and wine varieties, according to the tradition of the “tight vertical of power”, in the absence of independent media and civil society, the leaders of the district party committees do not distinguish between the two, simply destroying them both “just in case”.

However, the desire to stay at the helm by any means, the heads of the regional committees (krai committees), roughly equal in status to the current governors, does not save. About 70% of the status leaders of Brezhnev’s conscription are sent out to resign, literally, only by the whim of Mikhail Sergeyevich. There, half of the Politburo members also “leave”. The point is that all these people are appointed “from above”, often, one by one, as they say, the whim of the left foot of the head of state, and not (arranged quite difficult technically, it must be acknowledged) the will of the people. And, just as fabulously simply, the next Secretary-General, or the President, is free to replace them with someone else.

Almost simultaneously with the anti-alcohol campaign, the “fight against unearned incomes” starts. In the countries of the victorious democracy, we recall that something similar is also available. The main point: with large purchases – for example, a new car, a home … an enterprise, you will necessarily require an income declaration (directly related to the citizen being filed every year, the Tax Declaration). If the income is reasonably consistent with the costs – everything is in order. But, if you are officially unemployed and are going to buy a luxurious Chevrolet, here the tax police may have some questions. More, by and large, in the lives of citizens, and the methods of their (not criminal) earnings, the state does not get involved.

In the Gorbachev Soviet Union, the enemy of the people is declared to be: a fisherman who decided to sell his modest catch, an artist who painted a pair of paintings (for 10—15 rubles) for a hairdresser, in fact, a hairdresser, seamstress or nurse who provides the appropriate services at home, They are hunted down, and law enforcement agencies are detained. Theoretically, a convenient system of taxation, this additional income people could declare ….state could look at it and then, but in this case a serious criminal article is being applied… and investigative isolators (SIZOs) are overflowing with innocent people.

At the same time, relatively modest dacha dwellings are being persecuted. Cottages above one floor, apparently, as too well-off and “unearned”, without any court order, are being destroyed. Physical removal, without delay, are also subject to greenhouses, where for sale, or for themselves, vegetables are grown (which is so lacking in state stores).

Priority of all Gorbachev is declared by machine building. It sounds, of course, beautiful and, well, you know, it’s solid. But, in fact, in the first place, the country needs light industry goods, clothing, consumer goods, high-quality and inexpensive food. You can learn about this without any difficulty, the KGB-shnoy “wiretapping”, from the lips chosen arbitrarily, Uncle Vasya, Aunt Glasha, but, this approach to a serious government matter, as they say today, “Below the level of the Kremlin.”

The system rushes. Initially, Gorbachev is hardly aВ traitor toВ the Motherland. But, Mikhail Sergeyevich himself will be closed inВ aВ very limited circle ofВ elected people, who, inВ fact, are two: He himself, and aВ faithful friend, wife, Raisa Maksimovna, is the most intelligent person, after all, aВ lecturer at the Institute ofВ Marxism-Leninism. Suggest something really reasonable, weighed at least aВ few reasonable people, this sweet couple is quite difficult.

The next inconsistent step of the System is the introduction, on November 19, 1986, of the “Law on Individual Work Activity”. Cooperatives are allowed, even without using hired labor. Later, we recall, a full-fledged law on entrepreneurship will be adopted (1991, May 26), celebrated with the present president of the Russian Federation (2007) as the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship. It is interesting that private, then fairly free enterprise, paradoxically co-exists with “Fighting Unearned Income”. The ambiguity of the situation created corrodes the foundations of the law enforcement system.

In the same way as during the Khrushchev monetary reform (deeply jammed “under the carpet” of the KGB, not meaningful by the society), state resources, demanded goods flow from state enterprises to cooperatives where they are already sold at a free price (domestically or abroad). In the public sector, mass non-payment of salaries starts.

A very strange situation occurs with gold, silver, platinum, etc. In essence, the state (ie, ideally, the people) loses control over the extraction and storage of precious metals. The moral core is cracking – behind it the rest falls, how many new and new controlling bodies do not involve.

Be that as it may, the new General Secretary is quite young, he says without paper, everything is so remarkably smooth, and the people love him. Yes, it was, it was, friends, I remember perfectly; we looked at this smooth, ruddy appearance, and, not at all embarrassed by feelings, were touched. Yes, here it is, a new life, “socialism with a human face”, solid, understanding everything better than us, ordinary people, the leader – who-he-all-will-do-it-is-right.

In May 1986, at the enterprises of the Union, people from the newly created Gorbachev, “State Acceptance.” Of course, factories already have their own quality control departments. New people (not subordinate to the administration of the enterprise) only irritate employees, and do not contribute to the “shaft” of production, nor to a significant improvement in quality. The next attempt to solve the problem by purely administrative methods, fails. To take a reasonable step, following the example of Western democracies, to improve the judicial system, so that any end user can warm up some unscrupulous enterprise, this System is simply not capable.

Disappointing are the results of experiments on the unification of large agricultural ministries. Created by the same single “leader of the nation”, the giant “Gosagroprom” is called everywhere – “Gosagropromah”. Everywhere, at all times, according to their habit, “Sovereigns whose opinion is not disputed” create huge, awkward, unified amoebae – and only waste their national treasure. In total, according to some estimates, from 1995 to 1990, only a direct loss from the Gorbachevsky transformation is 100 billion non-devalued US dollars.

…Everything, everything seemed to be so unshakable, starts to precipitate fast. The only guideline in all is the “solid” US dollar. Nikolai Ryzhkov, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers answers the representative of the Czech Republic, about the replacement of the transferable ruble by the indicated monetary unit “Do not want to pay with dollars? Yes, please, leave CMEA. “Everything is very, very simple, and quiet. The socialist system of Eastern Europe is dismantled.

Towards the close, Mikhail Gorbachev admits one more (foreign policy) mistake. Two Germany – the GDR and the FRG are united. Maybe it’s all inevitable. But, against this background, it is quite possible to show, at last, the calculation of reparations for World War II. Germany is quite willing to pay this price. The guarantor is that the Soviet armies of the Western Group of Forces in the GDR definitely exist. But, according to the long-established System, Mikhail Gorbachev is much more important than the friendly smiles of very significant foreigners, rather than the deaf hopes of his own people. To correct the Secretary General again, there is no one. And now, definitely, literally “lying on the road” 100 billion US dollars, remain in the bins of the financial successor to the Reich.

March 15, 1990, at the third extraordinary congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR (an attempt to revive the original Soviets), Mikhail Gorbachev is elected President of the Soviet Union. At the same time, he is also the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Meanwhile, on June 12, 1990, the First Congress of People’s Deputies adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR. This, it should be noted, is the very first statement on the independence of one of the republics of the Soviet Union. The President of the Russian Federation (on the same day) is the People’s Deputy, Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. After that, other state entities are being built in line to the door to secession from the USSR.

Formally, the Union still exists. But, a certain relish of the feeling that you live in a powerful, integral state, the potential ruler of the world, among citizens is rapidly evaporating. Everything around is hopelessly strewing. Restore their former taste of existence, twist the nuts until the participants try so-called. State Emergency Committee – State Committee for the State of Emergency in August 1991. Gorbachev abstracted from what is happening in Foros (Crimea). The coup fails. December 8, 1991. The Presidents of the RSFSR, Belarus and Ukraine, under vodka and shish kebabs (and under the spetsnaz sight) sign the Belovezhskaya Agreement on the termination of the existence of the USSR (and the creation of the CIS). Mikhail Sergeyevich, still the President of the USSR (although not the General Secretary of the CPSU), has the right to challenge this decision (including by force). However, he refuses to give the order for the arrest of the presidents-accomplices; referring to the fact that the next Congress of People’s Deputies will democratically cancel this (not quite legitimate) decision. Yes, of course, groups of people’s representatives are gathering, the Supreme Court is entering the case, sluggish debate is beginning… but all this, friends, is rather confusing and uninteresting. However that may be, on December 25, 1991 the Council of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (and, also, the heads of the eleven Union republics) adopt a declaration on the termination of the existence of the USSR. At the same time, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev automatically loses the status of President…

The next experiment on the creation ofВ the Earthly Paradise is coming toВ anВ end.

Personal life. Wife – Raisa Maksimovna (Titarenko), since 1953, daughter. After the death of his wife in 1999 from leukemia, Mikhail Gorbachev formed a fund named after Raisa Maksimovna. Collected for the treatment of cancer patients children, 10 million pounds sterling, are given, of course, to the Paris Foundation. Marie Curie. The remaining 100 thousand pounds are divided in half between the London and St. Petersburg oncology clinics. It is absolutely clear to Mikhail Sergeyevich that in Western Europe things are much worse with health care, and children are much more valuable than in the Russian Federation of the 1990s.

Gorbachev lives permanently inВ Germany (for which he saved the above-mentioned, considerable sum), inВ aВ 17-room villa (Bavaria), it happens inВ other countries ofВ the Far Abroad. Yes, more, it seems, from sporting interest, than for the sake ofВ money, he is removed inВ advertising Pizza Hut, Louis Vuitton (suitcases), and, also, the Austrian railways.

Some addition: both the grandfather of Mikhail Sergeyevich, hard-working peasants, were repressed (one miracle survived). His grandfather was shot by one grandfather, and his grandmother died of starvation. Approximately such a marital status – ask, for example, their own, no longer very young acquaintances, distributed throughout the former Soviet Union. Of course, the past knocks on the subconscious, whispers inaudible, and sometimes yells: “This system, all evil, sure of their own right, no one listening to people – no.”

Significant figures ofВ the post-Soviet Russia

Boris Berezovsky, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, AlexyВ II

Boris Berezovsky

Boris Berezovsky. Birth – 1946, Moscow… study in the English (with in-depth study of the English language) special school… then at the Moscow Forestry Institute (the Faculty of Electronics and Counting and Decision Technology) … joining the Komsomol and the CPSU. In 1968—1969 years. – Work as an engineer at the Research Institute of Testing Machines, then as an engineer, research fellow, head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Control Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1973 – graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, as well as post-graduate courses at the Institute of Management Problems, project management for the implementation of automated control systems at AvtoVAZ. 1983 (already significantly less “Soviet” year) – defense of a doctoral dissertation in the specialization “Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory” … cooperation with the newspaper “Soviet Russia”. In this period, according to Berezovsky, he is more than ever happy after all.

In 1989, already, almost post-perestroika, the interim year, Berezovsky creates “LogoVAZ” – an enterprise engaged in the sale of VAZ, withdrawn from foreign car dealerships. Since 1994, the time of the already obvious “wild capitalism” Boris Abramovich is the head of the “Automobile All-Russian Alliance” (AVVA), in general, quite successfully producing cars (in particular, declared “popular”, but, perhaps, never became them, Chevrolet Niva – “Shnyava”). The businessman’s interests are not limited to the overwhelming majority of “new Russians”, eating black caviar, buying new residential areas, and open access to elite prostitutes. The highest interest is politics, the continuation of one’s “I” in other people. In 1995, Boris Abramovich participates in the creation of Public Russian Television (ORT), and is on the board of its directors. Later he creates or acquires such socially important media as the Publishing House Kommersant, TV-6, Our Radio, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novye Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Avtopilot, Molotok, Ogonyok, and others.

Since 1996, according to the general movement to possess “black gold”, Berezovsky is a member of the board of directors of Sibneft.

At the same time, BAB becomes Deputy Secretary of Security of the Russian Federation and Executive Secretary of the CIS. The businessman finances the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, considers it possible to give many “useful advice”. For example, he (and also his accomplice, oligarch, well-known Arkady (Badri) Patkratsishvili, with their same, uncontested words) recommends the first President of the Russian Federation his longtime friend, Vladimir Putin as a successor. Councils are accepted, however, the communication between the Yeltsin family and the “gray cardinal” takes place without special sincerity. It seems that Berezovsky realizes this, and, just in case, to monitor the situation, gradually prepares the alternatives for eliminating the highest state officials from power.

In September 2001, who do not want to be eliminated in any case, the authorities of the Russian Federation are charging Berezovsky with an absentee accusation of embezzling Aeroflot’s money and are being announced for an international search. B.A.B. is at this moment abroad, where his relations with the law are also bad; and prefers, after all, to stay in the UK. Here he, in particular, writes the proclamations, which are then quoted on the Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy (2012), such as “An Open Letter Born Not in the USSR”. The main sense – “replacement of an ineffective socio-political structure of society in a progressive way” may be relevant, but, it is indicated, my friends, clearly not the person you want to listen to.

In 2004, Berezovsky participates in the financing of the presidential campaign in Ukraine, directly directs the actions of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, and his associate, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The idea here is, as it were, democratic transformations in this country – which should be followed by corresponding progress in Russia. Changes in Ukraine do happen. But, apparently, by what kind of people these or those processes are being implemented – is also very important. There is democracy – power, carried out by quite conscious, principled (I add from myself – kind) citizens, and – okhlokratiya. You understand.

Berezovsky is aВ mystery man ofВ the twenty-first century. This body, constantly residing inВ aВ fussy movement, rubbing its hands, is the arena ofВ aВ fierce, apocalyptic struggle between good and evil.

According to some reports, Boris Abramovich is baptized in Israel, others – in Russia (after the failed assassination attempt on his person). In 2012, he announces the establishment of the “Movement of Resurrection”, and the beginning of the construction of the “Christian Democratic Revolutionary Party of Russia.” “Only the belief of citizens in fundamental Christian values – love and freedom – can save Russia … … The main consequence of the total transparency of relations between people is the inevitability of refusing to lie. This is the exorcism of the devil. The devil is a “liar and father of lies” (John 8:44). Subtlety and lies are the foundation of any authoritarian political system… The leader of the emerging new world will be the one who first perceives and implements the advanced idea – the idea of transparency, and, consequently, builds the most advanced and effective system of organizing society and the state … "– so says the entrepreneur. Specific ideas – the distribution of the English judicial system in the Russian Federation, the aesthetics of a “transparent society”, information equality (an official, an entrepreneur, an ordinary citizen – are the most important information about themselves), direct democracy, a liberal church, a confederation of regions-regions and, yes, constitutional monarchy. The citizenship of Russia is granted automatically to all those who pass the exam on the knowledge of the Russian language.

A possible candidate for the Russian throne is Russian more than Nicholas II, Prince Harry – whose great-grandmother, by the way, is the Greek queen, Olga Konstantinovna (the house of the Romanovs).

The subjects ofВ the Confederation, on the basis ofВ consensus, decide what functions ofВ the authority toВ delegate toВ the Center, and not vice versa.

The State Duma and the Federation Council are abolished. Draft laws written byВ initiative citizens who have passed professional expertise are submitted for general voting via the Internet.

The financial activities ofВ all religious faiths are carried out on the basis ofВ transparency.

The Board of Directors of “Corporation Russia” presents for approval to shareholders the draft budget and quarterly reports, the Prime Minister may be dismissed on any date by a meeting of shareholders-citizens by voting on the Web. … Governments at the level of subjects and the Confederation are our employees.

Some points of the “Movement of the Resurrection” are useful to read without any abbreviations:

“An official assumes full financial transparency when taking office. Information on the expenses and incomes of any public official and his family members, from buying a car to a pack of condoms, automatically appears in the public domain”.

“A just court is the basis of statehood. The people need to give equal rights to the Russian elite, which has already chosen London as the capital of justice, and to introduce the English judicial system in Russia.”

“The universal right to create, disseminate and obtain information. Every citizen is provided by the state with access to the global information network (Internet), through which not only the free exchange of information, but also democracy is carried out”.

“Oil, gas, other natural resources belong not to the state, but to the people. All profits from the extraction of natural resources go not to the budget, but are divided equally among Russian citizens. In today’s prices, after the elimination of corruption schemes, each family will receive a monthly payment of about a thousand dollars only from the sale of oil and gas.”

“The Russian language is the answer to the national question. Everyone who passes the exam for fluency in Russian and knowledge of Russian culture, can become a citizen of Russia regardless of the place of his permanent residence. Thus, the citizenship policy will simultaneously become the international policy of Russia – a way of Russia’s expansion into the world through the export of the main and unique achievement of Russian civilization – the great Russian culture and the great Russian language.

The Russians are maximalists, and exactly what appears to be a utopia is most realistic in Russia, “Berdyaev wrote. Russia can not survive if it does not become liberal, but if Russia becomes liberal, it will be the most!

Christ is Risen!…”

Berezovsky writes two personal letters toВ V. Putin, with regrets about aВ lot ofВ unpleasant things, and an expression ofВ aВ wish toВ return toВ Russia (amnesty for money). While this message is being analyzed inВ the Kremlin and the Supreme Court, on March 23, 2013В inВ the house ofВ his ex-wife (Berkshire county), Berezovsky finds his security guard, the former Israeli intelligence agent Mossad, hanged. The bathroom where the suicide occurred was allegedly locked from the inside, but this position is disputed byВ many authoritative sources. According toВ The Guardian, the ex-oligarch finds aВ brokenВ rib.

Boris Berezovsky is buried according to Christian custom on a huge (350 thousand “places”) necropolis cemetery Brookwood (Surrey). The photo of the grave, which is represented here – all that is left of it in free use on the resource “Google”.

Private life. The first wife – Nina (Korotkova), the beginning of the seventies, two daughters. The second marriage – Galina (Besharova), 1991, daughter and son. In 1993, Galina went to the UK, filed for divorce and, thanks to the same English judicial system, reaches a record £ 200 million in compensation. The oligarch lives in a civil marriage with Elena Gorbunova, becomes the father of two more children and, in 2013, on a lawsuit from London, of course, pays, for all the feelings shown to him, a few million pounds more. Hobbies – theaters, restaurants, nightclubs.

From left toВ right: 1. Boris Yeltsin 2. Vladimir Putin 3. Alexy the Second, photoВ 1999

1. Boris Yeltsin. Birth – 1931, with. Bout of the Ural region (as it is quite usual then – in a family repressed and miraculously survived – peasant workers) … admission to the Ural Polytechnic Institute. S. Kirov… graduation from the university with the qualification “engineer-builder”. Theme of the thesis, if it is, you are interested in the friends – “Television towers”. In the trust “Uraltyazhtrubstroy” Boris Nikolayevich works as a joiner, concrete worker, plasterer, crane operator, foreman, foreman, site manager (1957). Since 1966, Yeltsin is the director of the Sverdlovsk House-Building Plant. After passing several more steps of the career ladder, the future President becomes secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, responsible for the industrial development of the region, and later the first secretary of this regional committee. The post, approximately equal to the current situation of the governor, B. Yeltsin occupies until 1985. During this time, Boris Nikolaevich differs, in particular, by erecting the highest in the country, marble-covered 23-storey building of the regional committee of the CPSU (nicknamed “Tooth of Wisdom”) and, according to the decision of the Politburo, the demolition of the house of the Ipatievs (the place of execution of the royal family). In general, as an economic manager, B.N.E. shows itself not bad.

Since 1979, B. Yeltsin is a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1981, he also became a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1985, on the recommendation of Yegor Ligachev, secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, a prominent figure in “perestroika”, Boris Nikolayevich was transferred to Moscow, as secretary of the Central Committee for Construction.

At the end of the same significant year, B.N.E. occupies the post of first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. The company starts cleaning the Soviet and party apparatus (strange, but it’s really not the same thing), food fairs are organized, the demolition of historic buildings is prohibited, and the Day of the City begins to be celebrated. Also, Boris Yeltsin gets some popularity, and popularity among the people, thanks to demonstrative trips on public transport (followed by a swift “diving” into the official “Volga”), personal checks of shops, warehouses, etc. Since autumn 1987, the MP publicly criticizes the leadership of the party, the incipient “personality cult” of Mikhail Gorbachev, the slow pace of perestroika, and so on. A wave of counter criticism moves Yeltsin to “just” the post of USSR Minister for Construction. The next wave – the popular popularity, hears Boris Nikolayevich, through the step of the deputy from Moscow, to the heights of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In May 1990, Boris Nikolayevich was elected chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. On June 12 of the same year, the Congress of People’s Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR. This day, as is known, is now a state holiday of the Russian Federation. The political weight of Boris Yeltsin proper, in Russia, is rising. Exactly a month later BNE criticizes the party, Mikhail Gorbachev, and declares his withdrawal from the CPSU.

So, the start is given, and since August 1990, one after another, the republics ofВ the USSR declare their sovereignty. Regions ofВ the Russian Federation are broadcasting considerably, much more independence: the Komi, Adygea, Buryatia, the Gorno-Altaisk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Chuvashia, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tatarstan, and other national entities. The Russian Federation is on the verge ofВ transformation into aВ confederation (such is, unusually for us, aВ loose one).

Be that as it may, MS Gorbachev wants to preserve the USSR – and, of course, with his post of President. The Fourth Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR (December 24, 1990) proposes a new draft of the Union Treaty.

In the meantime, ethnic Latvians, Lithuanians, do not want to wait for any bureaucratic procedures, and go to mass (50 thousand people) rallies. Only the faithful of the OMON are opposed to them. The assimilated, or simply apathetic Russians, do not show any noticeable activity. Bulky tanks when it comes to confronting such a continuous front, are not sufficient, reliable help. A total of six or ten people die, Latvia and Lithuania formally remain in the jurisdiction of the USSR, but… this is already an obvious wormhole in the body of the colossal state.

Boris Yeltsin sharply criticizes Gorbachev for the actions of the military, and suggests transferring all power to the Federation Council (the heads of the union republics). Slack response of Mikhail Sergeyevich – organization March 17, 1991 All-Union referendum on the renewal and preservation of the USSR. Yes, most citizens of the Soviet Union (except for the Baltic countries, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia) are “for”; but when such things are generally put to the vote, it is clear that, in any case, the final is close.

June 12, 1991, 57% of the votes “for”, Boris Yeltsin is elected President of Russia.

His first steps, it should be noted, seem quite reasonable. So, these are decrees “On Priority Measures for the Development of Education in the RSFSR” and “On the Termination of the Activity of the Organizational Structures of Political Parties and Mass Public Movements in State Bodies, Institutions and Organizations of the RSFSR”. Now, recall, there and there, in the executive state apparatus (which, it seems, should be neutral) is dominated by clearly expressed representatives of a particular party.

On August 20, the signing of the “Treaty on the Union of Sovereign States” is scheduled. The Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are expected to be updated beyond recognition of the USSR; Later, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Turkmenistan could join them.

Representatives of the original party elite disagree with this. They (and many, many very many citizens of the USSR) like the former, standard, fateful, early Brezhnev kind of the great Soviet Union. As is known, they organize the State Committee for the State of Emergency (State Emergency Committee), from August 18 to 21 seize power… television… But, fellow citizens, there are simply no bright, respected persons in the composition of this Committee. Leave at least one of them out of yourself, say a word about the great future and the past, repent of your mistakes, renounce sin (Stalin’s system of one-man rule) cry sobbingly – it would probably work. But these people are trying to save face, act in the style of the KGB, officially-formally-rude – and, of course, lose.

Gorbachev is trying toВ stay away from all this, but, despite this cautious policy, is losing the post ofВ President ofВ the USSR. AВ little later, he completely dropped out ofВ the political struggle, declining for permanent residence abroad.

So, the signing of the Union Treaty breaks down. Formed by the Yeltsin CIS – the Union of Independent States, an absolutely pragmatic union of the eight former republics of the Soviet Union.

Yeltsin forms decrees on price liberalization, free trade, etc. Yes, this contributes toВ the filling ofВ the consumer market with goods. But, the policy ofВ the Central Bank, the Office with unknown beneficiaries, since 1990, aВ private, remaining and now aВ mystery toВ all publicists without exception, contributes toВ hyperinflation, aВ sharp decline inВ social payments, savings, and soВ on.

In 1993, the government of the Russian Federation, headed by Yeltsin, entered into a clinch with (blocking many presidential decrees) by the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. Recall that, sometime (May 1990), Boris Nikolayevich himself was the chairman of this supreme legislative body of the Russian Federation. At that time, people actively advocated the abolition of the Communist Party and (somehow it is mixed up) against the revival of the Soviet Union under the guidance of some unattractive gray persons from the security services. However, the Soviets, it is, ideally, the organ of the representation of the people themselves … something in common is quite another. So, although, the Bolshevik Soviets are too united (formally – since 1977), here the opinion of the people is divided almost fifty to fifty.

The conflict, as is known, is solved byВ the execution ofВ the House ofВ Soviets, 300В human victims, 3В or 4В burnt armored cars. Yeltsin wins. Activities ofВ the Soviets ofВ all levels are suspended. About this event, catastrophically fast, citizens ofВ the Russian Federation forget.

…In June 1991, the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria was singled out of the Russian Federation. Mass genocide of all those inhabitants of the region who are not ethnic Chechens is unfolding. About 30 thousand people die.

Also, Chechens organize mass, literally, conveyor abductions of people in related areas of the Russian Federation – either by turning them into their home slaves, or by demanding a huge ransom payment.

All this inВ the media is not particularly advertised, but, for some unknown psychological channels, reaches the consciousness ofВ the leaders ofВ the Russian Federation. Yes, people all over the world should understand that crimes against the Russian people, sooner or later, even as if it is clumsy, and under other slogans, are severely suppressed.

On December 11, 1994, according to Yeltsin’s decree “On Measures to Restore Constitutional Legality and Law and Order in the Territory of the Chechen Republic”, federal forces will enter the territory of Chechnya. The territory of the republic is taken under control. Dying about 80 thousand people. Unfortunately, the action is not formalized, first of all, as the evacuation of the remaining (oppressed) non-Chechens, which leads to disorder in the minds of the residents of the Russian Federation, and to many foreign policy complications. In 1996, thanks to the conciliatory and conjunctural policy of the Russian leadership, Russian troops leave Chechnya. By itself, this republic, its population, of true Russia is completely alien, while preserving the state of things, Chechnya could get complete independence. As is known, the emphasis is not on social protection of the population, but on arms purchases, the aggression of Ichkeria into the adjacent subjects of the Russian Federation (Dagestan, etc.), terrorist attacks in the territory of the most central Russia, simply force the Kremlin to conduct a second military campaign (1999)…

Under Yeltsin, this undoubtedly respects freedom of speech. Boris Nikolayevich, the essence, not a villain. However, most print media, television, radio, fall under the control of these or other financial groups. You, dear reader, can yourself, if you will, trace where the roots of funding for one of your favorite newspapers, the news block on TV, go – and understand who exactly needs it.

InВ 1996, thanks toВ financial influences ofВ Russian oligarchs, American advisors, etc., B. Yeltsin won again inВ the presidential election. It seems that his opponent, the leader ofВ the Communist Party ofВ the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov himself is happy about this. Already deeply ill, Boris Nikolaevich pulls the power strap until 1999.

The rating of Russia in the international arena now… in general, we can say, is positive.

In 1999, NATO countries are carrying out point-bombings of Yugoslavia. The external reason for this action is the forced expulsion by the Serbs, the extremely unfriendly (settled by the weird Josip Broz Tito), … how many hundreds of thousands of Albanians from their (Serbian) ancestral lands (the province of Kosovo). However, the sight of a tear-stained child in the television camera of a world TV channel operator means at times many more official statements and realities of the time. Unsuscussed in a large-scale media struggle, Serbia loses this war. Boris Yeltsin does not like this situation, he threatens to aim nuclear missiles at the US again, but…

Perhaps, and the First World War, because ofВ Serbia, for Russia is already quite enough.

In the same year, Yeltsin publicly appoints a successor (acting head of state), before that – the FSB director, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. It is worth recalling the last words of Yeltsin as President:

“I made a decision. Long and agonizing over it reflected. Today, on the last day of the passing century, I resign.”

Later, according to little studied psychological laws, this official statement is transformed into what is now known: “I’m tired. I’m leaving”.

Then Yeltsin lives on the government dacha, surrounded by pleasant luxury, asphalt with heating, and, count, dear friends, full of security. However, over time, his protege deprives Boris Nikolayevich of meetings with members of the government, and in general, of any other possibility, at leisure, to seriously influence anything in the world around him. The ex-president is dissatisfied with the curtailment of freedom of speech and the institution of elections… a new anthem of the Russian Federation, an old melody, but, to say something really valid, is no longer able. However, it seems, his supervision of what is happening in Russia, has a certain, very beneficial effect on the situation in the country.

Boris Nikolaevich dies in 2007, from cardiac arrest. To many, very many, the time of its voluntary exile (2000—2007) is now remembered as the golden age of the “zero” ones.

Private life. His wife is Anastasia (from the age ofВ 25, officially Naina) Yosefovna Yeltsin (Girin), since her studies at the institute, two daughters.

2. Vladimir Putin. Birth – 1952, Leningrad, … life in a communal apartment without amenities… studying in a special school with a chemical bias on the basis of a technological institute. Continuing education, since 1970 – Law Faculty of Leningrad State University (acquaintance with its associate professor, Anatoly Sobchak), distribution to the State Security Committee (KGB). Work in the investigative department of the Leningrad KGB (5th Directorate, the fight against “ideological sabotage”), after retraining – a trip to Dresden (formal position – Director of the Dresden House of Friendship of the USSR-GDR). After the unification of Germany and, in fact, the loss of the meaning of further work under cover, Putin submits a report on dismissal from the KGB of the USSR (1991). The new place of service is the rector’s office of Leningrad State University, and also the Leningrad-Petersburg City Hall. Vladimir Putin’s terms of reference are the organization of the currency exchange in the Northern Capital, attracting investments, and much, much more. In 1995, VVP, already an official deputy mayor of Petersburg, heads the regional branch of the party “Our House – Russia”. Simultaneously, V.P. passes training on the program of the American National Democratic Institute of International Relations (NDI); created by the US government to “promote democracy in developing countries” (through the appropriate training of “reformist political activists”).

In 1997, V. Putin defended the thesis of candidate of economic sciences (something about planning the reproduction of the region’s mineral and raw materials base). Later it turns out (information is not verified in independent sources thoroughly) that 16 of the 20 key pages of V.P.P.�s work have been compiled from the articles of the textbook “Strategic Planning and Politics” by professors-analysts of Pittsburgh University (USA). The main theme here is, as if – the merger of the leading corporations (“national champions”) with the vertical of power, and the implementation of state policy.

InВ 1996, Vladimir Putin holds the post ofВ deputy administrator ofВ the affairs ofВ the President ofВ the Russian Federation (Pavel Borodin), and later the head ofВ the Main Control Directorate ofВ the President ofВ the Russian Federation. Since July 1998В V.P. becomes director ofВ the Federal Security Service (FSB).

At 12 o’clock in the afternoon, 1999, the incumbent head of state Boris Yeltsin appoints Vladimir Putin as his successor (vice-president of the Russian Federation).

Since the beginning of zero, the country is filled with petrodollars. The price of oil rises from $ 20 in 2000 to $ 140 in 2008 (that is, 7 times). At the same time, the economic development curve in general is clearly repeating the rise in GDP growth rates of the country from 1997 to 2000. (with a short-term failure from GKOs). Thus, the successes (or failures) of President Putin’s economic policy are completely masked by the flow of free oil money. In general, the real average income of citizens from 2000 to 2013 is doubled ($ 17,500 per year): it’s true.

One of the first universally recognized successes of Vladimir Vladimirovich is the tax reform. The number of different taxes is reduced by 3, 6 times – from 54 to 15. The budget is filled with more budget. A social explosion (rising raw material prices is too obvious for everyone) is prevented.

On December 1, 2001, the Unity movement, the election blocs “Fatherland – All Russia” and “Our Home – Russia” merge into a single liberal-conservative political party, “United Russia”. Interestingly, the words-antonyms “liberalism” and “conservatism” are somehow united in one. Giant all-embracing party like the CPSU uses the administrative apparatus of the state, and its financial apparatus, to achieve its own (not necessarily coincident with the wishes of the people) goals. Putin is not directly a member of the union, but so-called. EdRo is focused on supporting this particular leader. Some points of the original Manifesto of the Party are interesting:

…By 2008, each family will have its own comfortable housing, worthy of the third millennium, regardless of the level of today’s income.

…In 2005 every citizen of Russia will receive his share from the use of natural resources of Russia

…By 2010 the transport highway St. Petersburg-Anadyr, Tokyo-Vladivostok-Brest and other

…By 2017, Russia will be the leader of world politics and economy.

Later this (already sent to the regions) document as it is obscured. Only classical is expressed, expressed by numerous vague phrases “Path of National Success” (2003). A characteristic phrase: “… The modern accounting approach to the economy must give way to strategic planning, the ability to see the economic perspective and unite the country’s efforts around the real points of economic growth.”

In December 2004, V. Putin abolished direct elections of heads of regions. Somehow he links this one-person unconstitutional decision with the tragedy in Beslan (the capture of the children’s school by Chechen terrorists). In April 2013, following the order of V.P.P.�s successor, Dmitry Medvedev, the election of governors “returns”, but it turns out that the regional parliaments “voluntarily” renounce them. By April 2006, 66 out of 88 regional leaders became members of the pro-presidential United Russia party.

Simultaneously, the transition to elections to the deputies of the State Duma is carried out exclusively on party lists. Self-nominees from single-mandate constituencies, which, for example, enjoy serious support from the people on the ground, independent of the “corporate ethics” of this or that party, can not be found in the State Duma. Only the party apparatchiks remain – or people taken solely for “beauty” (boxers, gymnasts, actors, etc.).

The number of officials at different levels, from 2000 to 2008. (including state corporations licensing, registering and controlling bodies) is increased 2.2 times, to almost 2 million people. To pay for their work, they spend about 1.2 trillion. rubles annually. The main problem, however, is not the number, and not the high salaries (the deputy minister in the RF officially receives 106 minimum wages, in Europe, civil servants of this level – 3—4). The main thing is that the Russian official is installed on the fact that he is simply obliged to prohibit something, not to cultivate, and to promote a useful work.

In 2013, in response to the “Magnitsky list”, which freezes foreign accounts of the figures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tax Service, the Arbitration Court and the Prosecutor General’s Office, involved in frauds with money laundering and the murder of lawyer S. Magnitsky with the pre-trial detention center, n. “The law of Dima Yakovlev.” The countries of the USA and Western Europe are deprived of the right to adopt Russian children (whom no one else in the Russian Federation wants to take) children.

The law is given the name of a Russian boy who died in the US as a result of a tragic accident. Meanwhile, from 1991 to 2006 in Russia 92 thousand children were adopted, in North America and Western Europe – 160 thousand. In Russian families only 1,202 children die in official statistics (not taking into account the lethal outcome of various diseases) during this period. In addition, in the USA and Europe, “refuseniks” are usually seriously ill, disproportionately better medical care (survival is three times higher). Thus, all those people who are involved in the enactment of the law of Dima Yakovlev (in a society known as the “Law of King Herod”) are the cause of the painful death of at least 400 (chained to hospital beds) children per year.

…Yes, we (almost) all very much loved Vladimir Putin. It was, it was, my friends. More than even Gorbachev and Yeltsin, until about the middle of their term of government. And, perhaps, “the law of King Herod” was the first, barely audible bell “here something is wrong.”

One more thing… The president states that “there are no troops in the Crimea”. Maybe this is an important tactical move. The game with the words “troops – special forces”. We are sure that the reunion of the Crimea is a sure and inevitable step, due to the fact that part of Russia, alas, can be directly influenced by the Evil One. For the sake of getting rid of sweeps of the Crimea, the voluntary neo-Nazi battalions of Ukraine can be paid a serious price. But the President is deceiving. Open. International community. We are with you.

We can say everything as it is, and we would have agreed. But, the beginning of the Big Lie is laid. Lying is transmitted to the lower layers of power. Further – there are secret burials of the heroes of Russia who died in the Donbass (photos piled in four layers, where in the medical unit, the remaining nameless people). You know, friends, it’s hard … to see on the corpses distinctive signs … a homemade emblem, a scarf, one must think, someone given, something that was once important to this person, and all the like. In Syria, in less than four hours, 400—500 fighters of the Private Military Company of Wagner (registration in Argentina) are killed, who were left without air cover, and, at the request of the Coalition declared by the signalman as “nonexistent”. They are beaten as defenseless kittens by military drones of Americans. You can find these frames on the web, what the whole world saw. But, the Russian Foreign Ministry (the notorious Zakharova), the Press Secretary of the President Peskov again broadcasts something unintelligible.

…In March 2014 in Crimea, a referendum on accession to Russia is held. The Russian Armed Forces support this endeavor. All is correct, otherwise the sunny peninsula can turn into one big Odessa House of Trade Unions. Ukraine is deeply mentally ill (even more so than Russia). Whatever it was, the countries of the West are imposing sanctions against Russia. Foreign banks stop lending to some Russian enterprises. Its gold and currency assets in the Russian Federation are hundreds of billions of Euros-dollars, but they are kept (so that they are not stolen), in securities of the same Europe and North America (for interest percentages per annum). In one way or another, the President and his oligarchic friends seem to take this attitude very offensively, and then, of course, they introduce “unsanctions”. The main purpose is to establish an “iron curtain” for foreign food products, medicines and certain types of high-tech products. The damage to the people of Russia from the “unsanctions” of the President exceeds the damage from sanctions (if it exists at all) in tens or hundreds of times.

The third bell is a demonstrative destruction of foodstuffs stopped at the customs. It’s strange that all this blasphemy is permitted by a man whose own brother died of hunger and disease in besieged Leningrad. Then all these calls merge into a single alarming buzz. The entry of troops into Syria results in the death of people, considerable financial expenses, deprivation of citizens of the Russian Federation for an inexpensive and high-quality holiday in Egypt, then Turkey.

In August 2016, contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws that emanate from Moscow, then (the imitative principle in an authoritarian society) and regions, the second, most powerful wave of demolition of the so-called “self-construction” is rolled. To build something autocratically in the capital is impossible in principle. These buildings are quite necessary for citizens, for the erection of cafes – retail outlets, etc., there is permission from state structures – but this is all simply not interesting to the resurgent System. The third, already rising wave is the total demolition of 5,17 thousand good Moscow five-story houses (together with infrastructure facilities, schools, kindergartens and hospitals), the construction of skyscrapers – to which of the all-Russian budget in the pocket of “Putin’s friends”, the Rothenberg brothers, without special obstacles are allocated 55 billion dollars.

“National Champions” V. Putin – commodity campaigns. We do not know for sure whether the ultimate enlargement of these political and economic entities has led to an increase in labor productivity. Compare, in general, there is nothing. Perhaps, it is due to its specificity (taken out of the ground – quickly sold) raw mastodons are devoid of any creativity of thinking, and are not able to lead the country along the path of development, as they say, of innovative technologies. In total, 110 “Friends of Putin” – billionaires, who have ridden raw materials, have at their disposal at least 35% of the national wealth of the country. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in the offshore (or simply, abroad) 75% of the national income of the country is deduced. Most of the financial transactions are made outside the Russian Federation. Money is not something that is derived from the Russian Federation, they are simply there, and do not even look. All this makes Putin’s Russia very much like a raw-material colony of the United States and Great Britain (how many serious money transactions on the territory of the Russian Federation are conducted through the Bank of England offices in the British Virgin Islands).

There is a “rearmament of the Army”. For this purpose, not less than 22 trillion is allocated. rubles (2, 2 trillion rubles, 42 billion dollars a year). The annual expenditure on health care is 0.6 trillion. R. Note that a significant number of so-called. “Defense enterprises” – private, some – state, and there is “a mixed type.” The prices for their products are set arbitrarily. The procurement procedure is completely opaque. Yes, it may seem to you that everything is all right, it’s a military secret, but, in fact, even at the edge of consciousness, you do understand that we are being deceived again and again? A significant part of strategic enterprises actually belongs to foreigners. There, abroad, our money is leaking out so easily. Television, the Internet is sometimes shown by some new miracle tank, or a projected PAK-FA airplane, but, in fact, these things are either stuck (on the Red Square, in preparation for the parade), or fly like that at all wrong. The current basis for arming the Russian Army is Soviet technology. Yes, it is modernized, and huge amounts of money are allocated – but this modernization is reduced, for the most part, to the replacement of oil and the painting of armored cars.

Wherever the military units really are, are on alert. But, in the main part of the RA, the activity of officers is more and more reduced to simple clerical work. From the soldiers’ barracks, the “weapons room”, it’s interesting to avoid any emergency situations (which can lead to dismissal, loss of wages of 120 thousand rubles and many pleasant benefits), small arms are deposited in a warehouse. The Russian Army, perhaps, is somewhat better than the Soviet Army, a model of the 70s of the last century: crippled the psyche and, at times, the bodies of soldiers, but it is definitely a paper tiger.

…It should be noted that the so-called. “Re-equipment” of the Russian army, bravado of Russian top officials in the style of “We’ll beat you all”, incidents with the Coalition aircraft in Syria are quite beneficial to the governments of Western Europe and the United States. They also need to maintain their population in a tone and, yes, have serious reasons for sending funds to the military-industrial complex. Only they have it all goes to their advantage, because:

1) Advanced military technology is freely transferred toВ civilian.

2) The active functioning ofВ the MIC makes it possible toВ avoid aВ crisis ofВ overproduction.

3) Clever boys from MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, etc. receive a lot of money, for work “head and hands”, which is very like beautiful girls; and thus, together, they enrich the gene pool of their state in every possible way.

In Russia, though, the invented engineers of the military-industrial complex are deprived of the opportunity to transfer the received technologies to “a citizen”, because that’s all, ah, always such an inconceivably secret. We also, perhaps, never had a crisis of overproduction. Insane allocations to the military industry only ruin the country.

…Obtaining a visa in the Russian Federation, the stay of foreign citizens from developed democratic countries on the territory of Russia is complicated in every possible way. The citizens of Russia themselves are prohibited from dual citizenship (except in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan). Maybe, in this way, the government of the Russian Federation is really struggling with some “evil influence of the West”? Is it not more believable, friends, the version that we are simply not allowed to communicate with the “simple” people of those states where officials are controlled by the people through democratic procedures, do not take bribes, behave like goodies … and judges are not allowed to drive drunk while driving? John, Smith, Luke, Adam … Jessica, Marietta, etc. in a friendly conversation, over a cup of tea, can explain how to create similar things in Russia. Yes, some in the governments of their own countries see the Russian Federation as a commodity colony, with a well-disguised external management. Yes, external audit of all serious organizations of Russia and now, right up to the infamous Uralvagonzavod, is carried out by foreign auditing companies Deloitte, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, McKinsey & Company … But tourists, missionaries, technologists do not with them there is a single conglomerate. Most of them wish us, and all people of the Earth all kinds of good. To help friends from Russia, they are not given by Russian officials … and, at times, ours, alas, is a conservative worldview.

Thus, some of the demonstrative attacks by Russian leaders on Western countries, engaging media broadcasts, in the style of Our Friends – Only the Army and the Fleet, are part of the system of camouflage of the colonial government.

…We once listened to this man with bated breath. Surprisingly, until around 2012 (excluding a scratch on the glass – the abolition of gubernatorial elections), everything seemed to be right. Now (2018) we only switch radio or TV. Speeches are sometimes, as it were, true: against corruption, offshore, for small business, to the world – peace, no war, … with a warning about the danger of artificial intelligence, and all the like. But all this is like… what? Imagine, you’re on the bus, and our driver is the Russian President. The driver turns around and starts to say: “The bus is not going there, we can crash into that tree, or fly into the ditch.” Here’s the news? Well, you have the steering wheel, pedals, levers, all controls, well, so do something, you’re a driver! “But, in response – no meaningful actions, again vysprennye proclamations. Someone from the passengers, somewhat imbued with the words of the driver, rushes to the steering wheel, but Vladimir Vladimirovich gives that to his hands. “You have no rights”.

Now this is the situation.

Literary resources are full of books in which the Stalinist dictatorship, autocracy, unconditional denial of democracy, are depicted in the most attractive light. Such collections, literally: “are brought by the Office of the President of Russia’s affairs in the register of publications recommended for reading to public servants and public and political figures”, are kept in the TOP for electronic “readers” for years. Yes… some freedom of speech on the Internet is still available. Other authors also oppose directly, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. But, when they link their arguments praising the political system of modern Ukraine, approve murder “Vatnikov” in the Donbass, the shelling “Grad” residential quarters, praised the Georgian ex-president Saakashvili and also trying in every way to humiliate the Russian people. With the likes of “enemies”, and no apologists style Dzhugashvili is not necessary… The deep confusion in the minds, closed on themselves and neighbors, apathy, ernichane, rage and impotence – these are the modern state of the noosphere (2018) Russia.

In 2000—2008, people are addicted to consumption: they buy all new cars, gadgets, spend money on empty entertainment, foreign trips, etc. This, of course, is not so bad. However, for all that they do not seek to raise their level of consciousness, education, do not try to master at least the very basics of governing the state through known democratic procedures. As a consequence, in the end, many of the money earned by citizens begin to swim more quickly in an unknown direction. Lost captains, his team deploys the ship not to where the passengers want, but to an unknown, it seems, the President himself, the side.

At the present time, colonial Russia, and people who are so fond of flaunting what others think for them, are preparing to accept the fourth term of VVP’s rule. There is practically no alternative. Without swinging, confident enough, the governor is capable of managing the country only, perhaps, the presidential governor. But, all heads of regions now (since 2004) are nominees of the incumbent President and, according to the laws of some “corporate ethics”, do not put forward their candidatures for this high post.

Private life. From 1983 to 2013 – marriage with Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (Shkrebneva), by profession – philologist. Children – two daughters (who studied at Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University under foreign surnames), are now married. According to some reports, Lyudmila is getting married a second time in 2016, for the head of a certain Center for interpersonal communications.

Vladimir Putin’s interests – mountain skiing, judo, hockey. V.P. fluent in English and German.

3. Alexis 2 (Alexei Mikhailovich Ridiger) – the birth of 1929, Tallinn… since childhood – help to clergymen in the altar (as a novice), … since 1946 – the service of the psalmist (sexton) in the Kazan church of the city of Tallinn. Admission to the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and then the Academy. In 1950 – married to a former classmate Vera Alekseeva, four days later, according to the statute of the Russian Orthodox Church – the realization of the possibility of taking priests’ dignity (despite the fact that Ridiger did not accept monasticism). And, in the first year of service, there is a gap between Father Alexei and Mother Vera. The permission for divorce (and the subsequent service) is given by a certain ruling priest, Gregory.

Recall that according to the fundamental canons of the Russian Orthodox Church, the divorced priest, with the exception of more than rare cases, where the priest is, without any reasons, initiator, is prohibited in worship (that is, directly, ceases to be). Yes, he can continue climbing in the church hierarchy after the death of his wife, or her voluntary retirement to the monastery. But, again to marry (there are no exceptions) – no.

Alexey serves in the church, continues his studies at the theological academy, and finishes it with the title of candidate of theology (course composition “Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret as a Dogmatist”). In 1959, he takes monastic vows. At the Tallinn department, Alexis, who eventually becomes Metropolitan and Archbishop, serves until 1968.

1974 – Metropolitan of Tallinn and Estonian publicly approves the deportation (according to the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR) of the writer, the exposer of the GULAG, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

In 1975, according to credible independent sources, Ridiger founded the Rodina society, which serves as a cover for the activities of the KGB. The same “Office” contributes to his further successful career.

In 1984, Alexy became a doctor of theology. For some time he was the manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate. In 1989, the Metropolitan; interestingly, is elected by the people’s deputy of the USSR from the Soviet fund of mercy and health.

After the death ofВ Patriarch Pimen inВ May 1990, the Local Council (June 7В ofВ the same year) elects Metropolitan Alexy II, the Patriarch ofВ the Russian Orthodox Church, known toВ us.

In 1996, with the application of the new Patriarch, taking advantage of the privileges presented by the states, the ROC receives from Germany, and resells, 18 billion cigarettes free of charge, 7% of the legal market of the Russian Federation. Later, as a result of the scandal raised by other “tobacco kings”, Alexy II refuses this temptation.

InВ 1998, Alexis II awarded A. Solzhenitsyn the Order ofВ Saint Prince Daniel ofВ Moscow II degree.

InВ 2008, Alexei dies ofВ aВ heart attack. The legacy is about 300 million rubles. passes toВ the closest associate ofВ the Patriarch from the mid-1960s, Abbess Philaret (Alexandra Smirnova).

Revenues ofВ theВ ROC:

1. “Mug” – donations of parishioners, made during and after the service. They are not considered the main source of income, but rather a prize to priests (black cash) for a job well done.

2. Sale of candles – “Candle”, about 65% of all income.

3. “Goods” – everything sold by the temple shop in addition to candles – church wine, icons, books, ornaments.

4. “Trebs” – baptism, funeral service, reading memorial notes, and the like.

In addition, the income of the Russian Orthodox Church includes direct state inflows, large donations from private individuals (often with a thorough criminal past), and also the amounts obtained as a result of the “monetization” of various kinds of benefits.

What wishes for the ROC are available, directly toВ the author ofВ this book?

First. When I enter any temple of the Russian Orthodox Church, no one pays any attention to me there? Perhaps the reader will now be filled with laughter: “How come, who are you, hmm, author… that someone should pay attention to you?”. I answer: “A man who came to the Christian church.” This is already quite a lot.

…I remember the time of the first mid-nineties. To conduct their activities, foreign pastors rent the Culture Houses, cinemas and Palaces of Sport. I was there. At the entrance, friendly young girls give you the New Testament, say “Hello” and smile. In the hall they give a lecture (or, preaching), which is, first of all, a set of light slogans – and they offer to be baptized. In the first case, the Sacrament takes place in a dedicated room (in effect, any visitor who is there during the performance becomes a Protestant Christian). Option (cinema-concert hall “October”) – you, right in your clothes, go into the inflatable pool, where you are watered with holy water.

All this looks aВ little naive, childish, ofВ course, but its Grain is also there. At least people are smiling, they are noticed, they are trying toВ talk toВ them, and toВ attract toВ their side (completely free ofВ charge). The thought arises that, yes; after the action, somewhat reminiscent ofВ profanity, one could indeed attend such aВ seeing church. How is it inВ America? On weekends people from all around the town gather inВ the assembly hall ofВ the temple (without frills), discuss the state ofВ things, with each other, and the pastor, receive advice, and make serious conclusions for the future. The priest, byВ the way, is an elected one. From the number ofВ parishioners. Simply, you are aВ good Christian. Beyond aВ complex hierarchy and, perhaps, corrupt schemes.

IВ want toВ be recognized inВ the temple. Now this isВ not.

Unless, ofВ course, you are not an important government official, or, trying toВ gloss over depression, an authoritative donor.

Second wish. So that in the Christian church you can talk. Namely, it is easy to communicate with parishioners, priests, express questions, and listen to valuable advice. Evaluate the activities of the parish priest. Trace the financial flow of the temple. With our own eyes to see how the tracks are executed – and, perhaps, personally, participate in their departure.

ToВ the temple had separate chapels, the choir ofВ chapels, for private prayer and confession.

Third, under the curtain: yes, I would, perhaps, wish, in old age, to move to a monastery or monastery, and so that they take good care of me. Theoretically, this is possible even now (provided that the apartment is donated and the pension is redirected). But, the living conditions behind the church fence are too rigid. More from the words of knowledgeable people than from the media, the author is aware of the rudeness of the monks, some hazing in relation to the novices, and all the like. Beautiful wise old age on this background is hardly possible. In the New Church, let’s suppose that people (even of both sexes and different religions) could simply enjoy, even festive, live together (even with separate furnished rooms – cells) and, only once a day, gather for a common two-hour prayer for the agreement. Hopes for the salvation of their souls, as well as the themes of the multiplication of earthly happiness in their country, lively debates, communication with spiritualized youth – volunteers, in the best and most willingly – gardening – this should be the Church home for the elderly in Russia.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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